
Euparthenia is a subgenus of very small sea snails, pyramidellid gastropod mollusks, or micromollusks in the subfamily Turbonillinae.
The name Euparthenia is a replacement name for Parthenia Lowe, 1841 not Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830.
The genus Euparthenia contains both Recent and fossil species.

Shell description

The original description by Johannes Thiele is as follows: "Shell non-umbilicate, moderately turriculate, with spiral rings and ribs; columellar fold distinct. Kleinella bulinea. A couple of species in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean."
The description of the type species by Richard Thomas Lowe reads:
"PARTHENIA BULINEA. P. testa subcylindaceo-attenuata, oblongiscula, juniore ovato-tereti: anfractibus planis, elegantissime reticulato-cancellatis, striis spiralibus crebris aequidistantibus, transversas aequidistantes decussantibus; sutura distincta impressa: columella postice torta, uniplicata. a. subventricosa."

Life habits

Little is known about the biology of the members of this genus. As is true of most members of the Pyramidellidae sensu lato, they are most likely to be ectoparasites.


Species within the genus Euparthenia include: