Etayi Constituency

Etayi Constituency is an electoral constituency in the Omusati Region of Namibia. It has 34,970 inhabitants, its district capital is the settlement of Etayi. The constituency contains the settlements of Iipandayamiti, Oneheke, Onheleiwa, Otindi, Ekangolinene, Oshivanda, Onamhindi, Omutundungu, Olupandu, Onampira, Oshipya, and Oikokola.


As in all constituencies in Omusati, SWAPO won the 2015 regional election by a landslide. Elisa Johannes gained 7,890 votes, while Sisilia Andreas of the Rally for Democracy and Progress gained only 160. Johnson-Pashukeni Shemuketa a Current Teacher and Business man is set to run for elections as councillor as an Independent candidate in 2020.Johnson is innovative,
Selfless and wants to bring delopment to his constituency as he runs for councillor.He pleads people to vote for him for he is change and knows exactly how to take the Constituency forwad and bring developed.Johnson has hopes of winning the 2020 Council Elections. He is 27 years of age and possess good leadership skills and has proven to be effective and efficient at his work place. Mr Change is his campaigning name.