Estonia at the 2006 Winter Olympics

Estonia sent 28 athletes to the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy. Half of them competed in cross-country skiing, where Estonia won all of their three Turin Olympic medals. Olympic champion Andrus Veerpalu participated on his 5th Winter Olympics.


Cross-country skiingMen's 15 km classical
Cross-country skiingWomen's 15 km pursuit
Cross-country skiingWomen's 10 km classical

Alpine skiing

Note: In the men's combined, run 1 is the downhill, and runs 2 and 3 are the slalom. In the women's combined, run 1 and 2 are the slalom, and run 3 the downhill.


Cross-country skiing

Key: CD = Compulsory Dance, FD = Free Dance, FS = Free Skate, OD = Original Dance, SP = Short Program

Nordic combined

Note: 'Deficit' refers to the amount of time behind the leader a competitor began the cross-country portion of the event. Italicized numbers show the final deficit from the winner's finishing time.

Ski jumping

The Estonian Delegation

The Estonian Olympic Committee sent 28 athletes and 30 representatives to those games.
; Representatives
NOC representatives were president Mart Siimann and secretary Toomas Tõnise. Estonian team representatives were delegation head: Martti Raju, press attaché Sven Sommer, Kristjan Oja in biathlon, Tiit Pekk in cross-country skiing and Gunnar Kuura in figure skating.
; Team coaches
Kenneth Ellisalpine skiing, Raini Pohlak and Hillar Zahkna – biathlon, Mati Alaver and Anatoli Šmiguncross country skiing, Anna Levandi and Ardo Rennik – figure skating, Toomas Nurmsalu – Nordic combined, Hillar Heinski jumping.
Biathlon team: Egert Ispert and Tiit Orlovski biathlon service team, Margo Ool – biathlon massage therapist.
Cross-country skiing team: medical doctors and therapists and service team.
;VIP guests
Kalju Valgus in biathlon.
Gunnar Press, Jaan Martinson, Tarmo Paju, Mati Hiis, Andrus Nilk, Risto Berendsen, Tiit Lääne, Marko Mumm, Veiko Visnapuu, Deivil Tserp, Priit Pullerits, Raigo Pajula, Raul Ranne, Enn Hallik, Sulev Oll, Marko Kaljuveer, Lembitu Kuuse, Ivar Jurtšenko, Helar Osila, Anu Säärits, Tauno Peit, Teet Konksi, Valeri Tiivas, Tiit Karuks, Tarmo Tiisler, Erik Lillo, Hanno Tomber, Margus Uba.
;Estonian team at the opening ceremony
Flag bearer: Eveli Saue