Espigão d'Oeste

Espigão do Oeste is a city of Brazil, located in state of Rondônia. Its population was 32,385 and its area is 4,518 km². The city is the 13th most populous in Rondônia and 119th most populous of northern Brazil, but nevertheless maintains the 12th largest GDP Rondônia. Has the 40th best HDI in the North and best IDEB Rondônia, possessing incredibly 8 of 50 best public schools in the state. The city is home to the Motorcycling Federation of the State of Rondônia and the current runner-up Football Championship Rondoniense, with Espigão Sport Club. In 1999, Priscilla Giacomolli, representing the city, won the competition Miss Rondônia and represented the state in Miss Brazil 1999.

Reserve Roosevelt

In Roosevelt Reservation, comprising 2.7 hectares mihões and ownership of Indigenous Peoples Cinta Larga, located in the western Espigão do Oeste, inhabit about 1,200 Indians.
An unpublished study that mapped the mineral reserves of the Brazil, pointed out that the mining of Roosevelt is a rare species. Prepared by Research Company and Mineral Resources, the survey indicated that the kimberlite has 1.8 billion years and a production capacity of at least one million carats per year. That number puts the Roosevelt underestimated, at least among the five largest mines diamond s of world. Actual capacity may only be checked with a more detailed analysis, which has not been done because the mining area is located in Indian. For experts, the survey may indicate the Roosevelt as the largest mine in the world.


Catholics: 53.94%, evagélicos: 38.36% and other / no religion, 7.7%.
The city has the largest percentage of evangelical s of Rondônia and the 64th largest in the Brazil.


Students and Schools

There are 28 schools in the county.

Major schools

Espigão do Oeste has one of the best IDEB state of Rondônia, according to the Ministry of Education the year 2009.
Initial Years '
Final Years '
Initial Years '
Final Years '
Initial Years '
Final Years '
Schools Espigão do Oeste regularly participate in Brazilian Mathematical Olympiad Public Schools, getting many hits. Since its first appearance in OBMEP in 2005 by 2011, the city won six medals Bronze and 59 Honorable Mentions. In 2008 and 2011 the city was awarded with a Trophy, to get the best grade average Rondônia.
