Epsilon Piscis Austrini

Epsilon Piscis Austrini is a blue-white hued star in the southern constellation of Piscis Austrinus. It is visible to the naked eye with an apparent visual magnitude of +4.17. Based upon an annual parallax shift of 8.0981 ± 0.3582 mas as seen from the GAIA satellite, the system is located roughly 400 light years from the Sun.
This is a B-type main sequence star with a stellar classification of B8 Ve. It is a Be star that is spinning rapidly with a projected rotational velocity of 216 km/s, compared to an equatorial critical velocity of 301 km/s. The star has 4.1 times the mass of the Sun and is radiating 661 times the solar luminosity from its photosphere at an effective temperature of 11,066 K.
Epsilon Piscis Austrini is moving through the Galaxy at a speed of 18.7 km/s relative to the Sun. Its projected Galactic orbit carries it between 23,900 and 28,100 light years from the center of the Galaxy.


In Chinese, 羽林軍, meaning Palace Guard, refers to an asterism consisting of ε Piscis Austrini, 29 Aquarii, 35 Aquarii, 41 Aquarii, 47 Aquarii, 49 Aquarii, λ Piscis Austrini, HD 212448, 21 Piscis Austrini, 20 Piscis Austrini, υ Aquarii, 68 Aquarii, 66 Aquarii, 61 Aquarii, 53 Aquarii, 50 Aquarii, 56 Aquarii, 45 Aquarii, 58 Aquarii, 64 Aquarii, 65 Aquarii, 70 Aquarii, 74 Aquarii, τ2 Aquarii, τ1 Aquarii, δ Aquarii, 77 Aquarii, 88 Aquarii, 89 Aquarii, 86 Aquarii, 101 Aquarii, 100 Aquarii, 99 Aquarii, 98 Aquarii, 97 Aquarii, 94 Aquarii, ψ3Aquarii, ψ2Aquarii, ψ1Aquarii, 87 Aquarii, 85 Aquarii, 83 Aquarii, χ Aquarii, ω1 Aquarii and ω2 Aquarii. Consequently, the Chinese name for ε Piscis Austrini itself is 羽林軍八