English auxiliaries and contractions
In English grammar, certain verb forms are classified as auxiliary verbs. Although definitions vary, as generally conceived an auxiliary lacks inherent semantic meaning but instead modifies the meaning of another verb it accompanies. In English, verb forms are often classed as auxiliary on the basis of certain grammatical properties, particularly as regards their syntax. They also participate in subject–auxiliary inversion and negation by the simple addition of not after them.
Certain auxiliaries have contracted forms, such as -'d for had or would and -'ll for will or shall. There are also many contractions formed from the negation of auxiliary verbs, all of which end in -n't. These contractions can participate in inversion as a unit, and thus in a certain sense can be regarded as auxiliary verb forms in their own right.
For details about modal auxiliaries, see English modal verbs.
Auxiliary verbs
Auxiliaries as helping verbs
An auxiliary is most generally understood as a verb that "helps" another verb by adding grammatical information to it. On this basis, English auxiliaries include:- forms of the verb do when used with another verb to form questions, negation, emphasis, etc. ;
- forms of the verb have when used to express perfect aspect;
- forms of the verb be when used to express progressive aspect or passive voice;
- the modal verbs, used in a variety of meanings, principally relating to modality.
However, the above understanding of auxiliaries is not the only one in the literature, particularly in the case of forms of the verb be, which may be called auxiliary even when not accompanying another verb. Other approaches to defining auxiliary verbs are described below.
Auxiliaries as verbs with special grammatical behavior
A group of English verbs with certain special grammatical properties distinguishes them from other verbs. This group consists mainly of verbs that are auxiliaries in the above sense – verbs that add purely grammatical meaning to other verbs – and thus some authors use the term "auxiliary verb" to denote precisely the verbs in this group. However, not all enumerations of English auxiliary verbs correspond exactly to the group of verbs having these grammatical properties. This group of verbs may also be referred to by other names, such as "special verbs".The principal distinguishing properties of verbs in this special group are as follows:
- They can participate in what is called subject–auxiliary inversion, i.e. they can swap places with the subject of the clause, to form questions and for certain other purposes. For example, inversion of subject and verb is possible in the sentence They can sing ; but it is not possible in They like to sing – it is not correct to say *Like they to sing?.
- They undergo negation by the addition of not after them. For example, one can say They cannot sing, but not *They like not to sing.
- Other distinctive features of verbs in this group include their ability to introduce verb phrase ellipsis, and the positioning of certain adverbs directly after them.
- the finite indicative forms of the verb be: am, is, are, was, were;
- the finite indicative forms of the verb have: have, has, had, principally when used to make perfect verb forms;
- the finite indicative forms of the verb do: do, does, did, when used to provide do-support;
- the principal modal verbs can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would;
- certain other verbs, sometimes but not always classed as modals: ought; dare and need in certain uses; had in had better; and sometimes used in used to.
Non-indicative and non-finite forms of the same verbs are usually described as auxiliaries too, even though all or most of the distinctive syntactical properties do not apply to them specifically: be, being and been; when used in the expression of perfect aspect, have, having and had.
Sometimes, non-auxiliary uses of have follow auxiliary syntax, as in Have you any ideas? and I haven't a clue. Other lexical verbs do not do this in modern English, although they did so formerly, and such uses as I know not... can be found in archaic English.
Differences in listings of auxiliary verbs
Lists or sets of auxiliary verbs in English, as given by various authors, generally consist of most or all of the verbs mentioned in the above sections, though with minor discrepancies.The main differences between the various proposed sets of auxiliary verbs are noted below.
- For the reasons mentioned above, forms of the verb be may or may not be regarded as auxiliaries when used as a copula not accompanying any other verb.
- The verb ought is sometimes excluded from the class of auxiliaries on the grounds that, unlike the principal modals, it requires the to-infinitive rather than the bare infinitive.
- The verbs dare and need are not always considered auxiliaries ; their auxiliary-like syntactic behavior applies only to some instances of these verbs – see dare and need.
- The verbs had and used in the expressions had better and used to are not always included among the auxiliaries or modals; in the case of used to, questions and negations are in any case more frequently formed using do-support than with auxiliary syntax.
- Other verbs with modal-like or auxiliary-like functions may sometimes be classed as auxiliaries even though they do not have auxiliary-like syntactic behavior; this may apply to have in the expression have to, meaning "must".
Meaning contribution
Forms of the verbs have and be, used as auxiliaries with a main verb's past participle and present participle respectively, express perfect aspect and progressive aspect. When forms of be are used with the past participle, they express passive voice. It is possible to combine any two or all three of these uses:Here the auxiliaries has, been and being combine to express perfect and progressive aspect and passive voice.
The auxiliary do does not typically contribute any meaning, except when used to add emphasis to an accompanying verb. This is called the emphatic mood in English: An example would be "I do go to work on time every day", compared to "I go to work on time every day." As an auxiliary, do mainly helps form questions, negations, etc., as described in the article on do-support.
Other auxiliaries – the modal verbs – contribute meaning chiefly in the form of modality, although some of them express future time reference. Their uses are detailed at English modal verbs, and tables summarizing their principal meaning contributions can be found in the articles Modal verb and Auxiliary verb.
For more details on the uses of auxiliaries to express aspect, mood and time reference, see English clause syntax.
s are a common feature of English, used frequently in ordinary speech. In written English, contractions are used in some formal writing and mostly in informal writing. They usually involve the elision of a vowel – an apostrophe being inserted in its place in written English – possibly accompanied by other changes. Many of these contractions involve auxiliary verbs and their negations, although not all of these have common contractions, and there are also certain other contractions not involving these verbs.Contractions were first used in speech during the early 17th century and in writing during the mid 17th century when not lost its stress and tone and formed the contraction -n't. Around the same time, contracted auxiliaries were first used. When it was first used, it was limited in writing to only fiction and drama. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the use of contractions in writing spread outside of fiction such as personal letters, journalism, and descriptive texts.
Certain contractions tend to be restricted to less formal speech and very informal writing, such as John'd or Mary'd for "John/Mary would". This applies in particular to constructions involving consecutive contractions, such as wouldn't've for "would not have".
Contractions in English are generally not mandatory as in some other languages. It is almost always acceptable to use the uncontracted form, although in speech this may seem overly formal. This is often done for emphasis: I am ready! The uncontracted form of an auxiliary or copula must be used in elliptical sentences where its complement is omitted: Who's ready? I am!.
Some contractions lead to homophony, which sometimes causes errors in writing. Confusion is particularly common between it's and the pronoun possessive its, and sometimes similarly between you're and your. For the confusion of have or -
Contractions of the type described here should not be confused with abbreviations, such as Ltd. for "Limited ". Contraction-like abbreviations, such as int'l for international, are considered abbreviations as their contracted forms cannot be pronounced in speech. Abbreviations also include acronyms and initialisms.
Contracted auxiliaries
The following contractions of auxiliary verbs are used:- -'m for am, in I'm
- -'s for is, as in it's, the man's, and she's
- -'re for are, mostly in we're, you're and they're
- -'ve for auxiliary have, mostly in I've, you've, we've and they've
- -'s for auxiliary has
- -'d for auxiliary had or would, mostly in I'd, you'd, she'd, he'd, it'd, we'd, they'd and who'd
- -'ll for will
- in very informal English, -'s for does and -'d for did, as in What's he do there? Who'd you see there?
Negative contractions
Contractions of negated auxiliary verbs in Standard English are formed by reducing the negative grammatical particle not to -n't, a clitic or suffix that is fused to the root verb form. The -n't may form a separate syllable, as in isn't and wouldn't, or may become part of the preceding syllable, as in the monosyllables don't, aren't and weren't.The standard contractions for negation of auxiliaries are as follows:
- From forms of be: isn't, aren't, wasn't, weren't
- From forms of have: haven't, hasn't, hadn't
- From forms of do: don't, doesn't, didn't
- From modal verbs: can't, couldn't, mayn't, mightn't, mustn't, shan't, shouldn't, won't, wouldn't, daren't, needn't, oughtn't, usedn't.
The following four of the standard negative contractions involve changes to the form of the auxiliary.
- In can't, the vowel may change – can has in the strong form and in the more common weak form, whereas can't has in RP and in standard American pronunciation. It was formerly written "ca'n't".
- In don't there is again a vowel change, from the of do to the of don't.
- In shan't, the sound is dropped, and the vowel changes. This contraction is not common in American English. It evolved from "shalln't", and was formerly written "sha'n't".
- In won't, again the sound is dropped, and the vowel is rather than the of will.
Contractions representing ''am not''
Although there is no contraction for am not in standard English, there are certain colloquial or dialectal forms that may fill this role. These may be used in declarative sentences, whose standard form contains I am not, and in questions, with standard form am I not? In the declarative case the standard contraction I'm not is available, but this does not apply in questions, where speakers may feel the need for a negative contraction to form the analog of isn't it, aren't they, etc..The following are sometimes used in place of am not in the cases described above:
- The contraction ain't may stand for am not, among its other uses. For details see the next section, and the separate article on ain't.
- The word amnae for "am not" exists in Scots, and has been borrowed into Scottish English by many speakers.
- The contraction amn't is a standard contraction of am not in some dialects, mainly Hiberno-English and Scottish English. In Hiberno-English the question form is used more frequently than the declarative I amn't. An example appears in Oliver St. John Gogarty's impious poem The Ballad of Japing Jesus: "If anyone thinks that I amn't divine, / He gets no free drinks when I'm making the wine". These lines are quoted in James Joyce's Ulysses, which also contains other examples: "Amn't I with you? Amn't I your girl?".
- The contraction aren't, which in standard English represents are not, is a very common means of filling the "amn't gap" in questions: Aren't I lucky to have you around? Some twentieth-century writers described this usage as "illiterate" or awkward; today, however, it is reported to be "almost universal" among speakers of Standard English. Aren't as a contraction for am not developed from one pronunciation of "an't". In non-rhotic dialects, "aren't" and this pronunciation of "an't" are homophones, and the spelling "aren't I" began to replace "an't I" in the early part of the 20th century, although examples of "aren't I" for "am I not" appear in the first half of the 19th century, as in "St. Martin's Day", from Holland-tide by Gerald Griffin, published in The Ant in 1827: "aren't I listening; and isn't it only the breeze that's blowing the sheets and halliards about?"
Other colloquial contractions
Ain't is a colloquialism and contraction for "am not", "is not", "was not" "are not", "were not" "has not", and "have not". In some dialects "ain't" is also used as a contraction of "do not", "does not", "did not", "cannot/can not", "could not", "will not", "would not" and "should not". The usage of "ain't" is a perennial subject of controversy in English."Ain't" has several antecedents in English, corresponding to the various forms of "to be not" and "to have not".
"An't" arose from "am not" and "are not" almost simultaneously. "An't" first appears in print in the work of English Restoration playwrights. In 1695 "an't" was used as a contraction of "am not", and as early as 1696 "an't" was used to mean "are not". "An't" for "is not" may have developed independently from its use for "am not" and "are not". "Isn't" was sometimes written as "in't" or "en't", which could have changed into "an't". "An't" for "is not" may also have filled a gap as an extension of the already-used conjugations for "to be not".
"An't" with a long "a" sound began to be written as "ain't", which first appears in writing in 1749. By the time "ain't" appeared, "an't" was already being used for "am not", "are not", and "is not". "An't" and "ain't" coexisted as written forms well into the nineteenth century.
"Han't" or "ha'n't", an early contraction for "has not" and "have not", developed from the elision of the "s" of "has not" and the "v" of "have not". "Han't" also appeared in the work of English Restoration playwrights. Much like "an't", "han't" was sometimes pronounced with a long "a", yielding "hain't". With H-dropping, the "h" of "han't" or "hain't" gradually disappeared in most dialects, and became "ain't". "Ain't" as a contraction for "has not"/"have not" appeared in print as early as 1819. As with "an't", "hain't" and "ain't" were found together late into the nineteenth century.
Some other colloquial and dialect contractions are described below:
- "Bain't" or "bain't", apparently a contraction of "be not", is found in a number of works employing eye dialect, including J. Sheridan Le Fanu's Uncle Silas. It is also found in a ballad written in Newfoundland dialect.
- "Don't" is a standard English contraction of "do not". However, for some speakers "don't" also functions colloquially as a contraction of "does not": Emma? She don't live here anymore. This is considered incorrect in standard English.
- "Hain't", in addition to being an antecedent of "ain’t", is a contraction of "has not" and "have not" in some dialects of English, such as Appalachian English. It is reminiscent of "hae" in Lowland Scots. In dialects that retain the distinction between "hain't" and "ain't", "hain't" is used for contractions of "to have not" and "ain't" for contractions of "to be not". In other dialects, "hain't" is used either in place of, or interchangeably with "ain't". "Hain't" is seen for example in Chapter 33 of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: I hain't come back—I hain't been GONE.
Contractions not involving auxiliaries
- let's for let us when used to make first-person plural imperatives
- in some nonstandard dialects, -'s for as used for the relative pronoun that
- o'- in o'clock
't- for it, archaic except in stock uses such as 'Twas the night before Christmas- -'d for -ed, archaic except in abbreviated or shortened verbs.
'em for them'im ,'er ,'is , etc. for him, her, his, etc. – see Weak and strong forms in English- y'all, for you all, used as a plural second-person pronoun, mainly in the Southern United States
- g'day, for good day, used as a greeting, mainly in Australia
- -a for of, have – some forms of syncope may also be considered contractions, such as wanna for want to, gonna for going to, and others common in colloquial speech. The suffix -a can be a contraction for the auxiliary have, such as woulda for would have.
Contractions and inversion
One alternative is not to use the contraction, in which case only the verb inverts with the subject, while the not remains in place after it:
Note that the form with isn't he is no longer a simple contraction of the fuller form.
Another alternative to contract the auxiliary with the subject, in which case inversion does not occur at all:
Some more examples:
The contracted forms of the questions are more usual in informal English. They are commonly found in tag questions. For the possibility of using aren't I in place of the uncontracted am I not, see Contractions representing am not above.
The same phenomenon sometimes occurs in the case of negative inversion: