Engineers Without Borders International

Engineers Without Borders International is an association of individual Engineers Without Borders/Ingenieurs Sans Frontieres groups. EWB-I facilitates collaboration and the exchange of information among the member groups. EWB-I helps its member groups develop their capacity to assist underserved communities in their respective countries and around the world.

Organizational structure

EWB-I is a virtual organization with staff located in both the United States and South Africa. EWB-I is run by an international board, composed of representatives of the EWB/ISF groups.
The member groups of EWB-I support the association’s vision for “A sustainable world where engineering enables long-term positive social and global development for the benefit of people and the environment everywhere.” EWB-I seeks to promote collaboration so that collectively we can achieve more than the sum of our parts and fulfill our mission “To be the beating heart of the engineering movement for sustainable global development, building and evolving engineering capacity throughout the world.


Projects conducted by individual EWB/ISF member groups are grassroots and small and are not usually addressed by in-country consulting firms. Through their work and projects, EWB-I member groups contribute to meeting the UN Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals through capacity building in their projects. EWB-I also endorses the Earth Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
-EWB-UK Chief Executive Katie Creswell Maynard talks about the EWB movement and a specific project undertaken by EWB-UK.

International co-ordination

While each member group is fully independent and autonomous, EWB-I provides a platform for its member groups, affiliates, and outside organizations
EWB-International also facilitates the start-up of new groups in the areas where none currently exist. EWB-I consists of member groups, provisional member groups, and start-up groups. Membership requires that all member groups adhere to high professional and ethical standards as stated in the EWB-I Bylaws.

Selected EWB-I member organizations

Engineers Without Borders International is not in any way affiliated with Doctors Without Borders, which is a registered trademark of Bureau International de Medecins Sans Frontieres.