Energy in Iraq

use in 2009 in Iraq was 374 TWh and 13 TWh per million persons.


Oil production

In 2008, Iraq was the 9th highest crude oil exporter with 88 Mt.
Oil provided 85% of government income. Iraq's oil reserves were the third biggest in the world, after Saudi Arabia and Iran. In 2009 the Iraq government set a target to increase oil production from to in six years. In June 2009 oil production rights in the Rumaila oil field were sold to BP and China National Petroleum for 20 years contracts. Investments are estimated as $10–20 billion. Field reserves are. In October 2009 Rumaila’s capacity was. Iraq's total oil production was.
A second auction took place in December 2009, and Iraq sold rights to seven oil fields for 20 years, increasing oil production in future. The production companies will receive between $1 and $5.5 per barrel produced: