Endla, Rajasthan

Endla is a small village in Pali district of Rajasthan in Northern India. It is away from National Highway 14, near Guda Endla village. Endla village has divided into two revenue villages: Endlawas and Jooni Endla. Some of revenue documents consider Endla as a Gura Endla - 2 revenue village.
Shri Mangilal Chimnoba Choudhary's Bera is midpoint of this village, which has divided this village into two revenue villages. So this village has three names: Endla, Endlawas and Jooni Endla, but most commonly preferred name is Endla. Some of official documents preferred name for this place is Endla. The village Endla has two sub localities Bhaton Ka Dhana & Meghwalon Ki Dhani. This village is under Pali Lok Sabha and Sumerpur Vidhan Sabha constituencies respectively.


This village is known for the Endla Dam. It has the temple of Mamaji.


Most of population of this village depends on agriculture for their livelihood.


The village's population is dominated by Charan, Rajput, Choudhary, Meghwal, Rabari, Bhat, Vaishnav castes.


Endla is well connected with National Highway 14 and there is transportation available to reach the district headquarter Pali and Krishi Anaaj mandi Sumerpur.


Currently there are one school, one Revenue Office, one Primary Health Centre and one Anganwadi Kendra running to serve the society.