Emili Boix-Fuster

Emili Boix-Fuster is a sociolinguist. His main academic interests are sociolects, intergenerational language transmission and linguistic ideologies in Catalan-speaking territories.


Boix-Fuste studied Catalan Philology and Hispanic Philology.


Boix taught Catalan Linguistics at the School of Education at the Autonomous University of Barcelona ; since 1989, he has taught Sociolinguistics, Language Planning, Catalan Language, History of Catalan and Discourse analysis at the University of Barcelona.
He has been president of the Societat Catalana de Sociolingüística and he is currently the director of its academic journal, Treballs de Sociolingüística Catalana and member of the steering committee of Llengua, Societat I Comunicació .
Boix has been the main researcher of the project EVOTRANLING Evolution and Transmission of [Linguistic groups in Medium-Sized Linguistic Communities, 2013–2016), funded by the Spanish government. He has also won several prizes in Sociolinguistics, such as “Jaume Camp”, “La Lupa d’Or”, “Prat de la Riba” and “Serra i Moret”. He was a founder of the CUSC at the University of Barcelona.
Since 2016, he has been the main researcher of the project EVOGEN. He is also the coordinator of the research area Ethnographic and anthropological sociolinguistics within the network CRUSCAT. In addition, he is a member of the steering committee of the international NGO Linguapaxl.


Emili Boix has published many articles in different academic journals. Furthermore, he has written the following books: