Emergency Medical Services Week

Emergency medical services Week, or EMS Week, was originally authorized by President Gerald Ford November 4, 1974 for the week of November 3–10.
In 2017, EMS week was May 21–27. The theme of 2017 was "Always In Service." Locally the leadership of EMS agencies, hospitals, and representatives from local or state legislature recognize EMS personnel during the week through events such as cook outs, giveaways, awards, and public recognition.https://books.google.com.eg/books?id=Z3fBDLqFKowC&pg=PA833&dq=Emergency+Medical+Services+Week&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjuoLOf2JXqAhWIzYUKHZS2BYQQ6AEwAHoECAUQAg
2018 will mark the 44th annual EMS Week on May 20–26.

Past Themes