Emergency +4

Emergency +4 is a 1973-1974 American animated television series based on the live action prime-time series Emergency!
The cartoon features the show's two main characters, young firefighter-paramedics John Roderick "Johnny" Gage and Roy DeSoto, voiced by the actors who played them on the prime-time series, Randolph Mantooth and Kevin Tighe. It also added a "plus four" of young people trained in lifesaving techniques — Carol, Matt, Jason and Randy — along with their pets, Flash the dog, Charlemayne the myna bird and Bananas the monkey.

Broadcast run

The series began on NBC's Saturday morning schedule on September 8, 1973 and ran twenty-three 30-minute episodes over two seasons. The final episode aired on November 30, 1974. The show remained on the network until September 4, 1976 through re-runs.


and Kevin Tighe provided the character voices for their respective Emergency! paramedic characters of John Roderick Gage and Roy DeSoto.


Each episode of the adventure series revolved around the Paramedical Rescue Service. The "+4" of the series title referred to the four children who joined the paramedics in each episode's rescue activities.


outsourced the animation to Fred Calvert Productions because, at the time, it did not have its own animation division.


Season 1 (1973)

Season 2 (1974)


Season 1
Season 2