Elton Glaser

Elton Glaser is an American poet. He has published collections of poetry and been published in literary magazines.


He is a native of New Orleans, is a retired Distinguished Professor Emeritus of English from the University of Akron, and former editor of the Akron Series in Poetry.
He lives in Akron, Ohio.


Elton Glaser's third book of poems, Color Photographs of the Ruins, has the virtue of being relentlessly true to itself. Mr. Glaser rants against contemporary poetry --
"Nuclear ecstasy on the picket line; /
Another homily on hominy; the lacquer of tears /
Sealing in the wrath of wronged women"
-- and it's easy to see why, since his poetry exists in some lower circle of hell. His book is so bad-tempered, without joy, that it makes one wonder what to make of our era and its poetry. Mr. Glaser is an angry and forceful poet, who uses wit and contempt as a double-edged sword.
