Elizabeth Rogers' Virginal Book

Elizabeth Rogers' Virginal Book is a musical commonplace book compiled in the mid-seventeenth century by a person or persons so far unidentified. Of all the so-called English "virginal books" this is the only one to mention the name of the instrument in the title, the others being so-called at a far later date.

The manuscript

The manuscript is a folio volume of sixty pre-lined pages of six staves containing 94 pieces for keyboard and 18 Voycall Lessons. It was rebound using part of the original covers, in 1949. The first page bears the inscription Elizabeth Rogers hir virginall booke. February ye 27 1656. However, on the same page the name Elizabeth Fayre is written, and it has been suggested that these two Elizabeths are the same person, before and after marriage.
There are various other writings, including the name "John Tillett", who may have been a subsequent owner of the manuscript, some poetic fragments, and a note concerning the tuning of the viol. There are also three incomplete tables of contents. Four different hands have been discerned.
The manuscript is now in the British Library, catalogued as Add MS 10337. The American Institute of Musicology published an edited version by George Sargent in 1971.


The pieces contained in the manuscript are relatively simple, and written for the amateur performer. There are settings of popular tunes, dance movements and vocal pieces. None of the keyboard pieces bear a composer's name, and only a few of the vocal pieces are attributed, but many are identifiable from other sources. These include: William Byrd, with his Battel suite, dating from at least 1591; Orlando Gibbons; Henry Lawes and his brother William; Robert Johnson; and Nicholas Lanier. Several pieces are attributed to Thomas Strengthfield, of whom nothing is known, but who may have been Elizabeth's music teacher. Other pieces are attributed to John Balls, a wait or public musician of the city of London; and John Wilson, who replaced him.
  1. Sr Tho: ffairfax Marche
  2. Nanns Maske
  3. Almaygne
  4. The ffairest Nimphes the valleys or mountaines euer bred, & c.
  5. The Scots Marche
  6. Prince Ruperts Martch
  7. One of ye Symphon
  8. One of ye Symphon
  9. Selebrand
  10. When the King enioyes his owne againe
  11. Almaygne
  12. A Trumpett tune
  13. Essex last goodnight
  14. Almaygne per Tho: Strengthfield
  15. The Corrant to ye last Alm per Tho: Strengthfield
  16. Ruperts Retraite
  17. Almaygne per Tho: Strengthfield
  18. Corrant to ye former Alma per Tho: Strengthfield
  1. The Nightingale
  2. Corrant Bear
  3. Selebrand Beare
  4. Corrant Beare
  5. Almayne
  6. Corrant
  7. Corrant Beare
  8. Corrant Beare
  9. The Battaile : The Souldiars summons
  10. The Martch of ffoote
  11. Martch horse
  12. The Trumpetts
  13. The Irish Martch
  14. Bagpipes
  15. The Drum and fflute
  16. The Martch ye ffight
  17. Tarra-tantarra
  18. Battell Joyned
  19. Retrait
  20. The Buriing of the dead
  21. The Souldiers delight
  22. Corrant
  23. Selebrand
  24. A Maske
  25. Corrant
  26. Selebrand
  27. Ly still my Deare
  28. The Chestnut
  29. Cloris sight
  30. Now ye springe is comne
  31. Oh Iesu meeke
  32. Corrant
  33. Corrant
  34. Maske
  35. Corrant
  36. Almaygne
  37. Lupus Ayre
  38. Could thine incomparable eye
  39. Almaygne: Mr Johnson
  40. Mock-Nightingale
  41. What if the King should come to ye City
  42. The Kings Complaint
  43. Almaygne
  44. Corrant
  45. Selebrand
  46. My delyght
  47. A Scotts Tuen
  48. An Irish Toy
  49. Allmayne
  50. The spaynard
  1. Selabrand
  2. The ffinex
  3. The faithfull Brothers
  4. A Corant
  5. This soldier loues
  6. Carron o carron
  7. A horne pipe
  8. Almaygne
  9. Corrant per Tho: Strengthfield
  10. Selebrand
  11. Almaine
  12. Corant
  13. Almaygne
  14. I wish noe more
  1. Selebrand
  2. Loue is strange
  3. Almaygne Mercure
  4. Glory of ye North
  5. Almaine
  6. Merceur
  7. Corrant
  8. Corrant
  9. Phill: Porters Lamentation
  10. Psalme 42
  11. Must your faire
  12. Since tis my fate
  13. No flattring pellow
  14. Baloo my boy
  15. Ile wish no more
  16. Deerest loue
  17. No noe I tell ye no
  18. O that myne eyes
  19. Yes I could loue
  20. Lett god the god of Battaile Rize
  21. Sing to the king of kings
  22. Psalme 39. verse 12
  23. I preethe sweete
  24. fyer
  25. Come you pritty
  26. All you forsaken louers
  27. Think not deare