The action of the series is set in present-day Poland. The story begins when Prime Minister and legendary opposition leader during Communist ruleHenryk Nowasz of "Polish Centre Bloc" was suspected of being an agent of the former communist security services. Nowasz decided to resign in order to prevent a government downfall and proposed non-partisan 37-year-old Professor of Economy and Political SciencesKonstanty Turski, his friend and an unofficial advisor, to become a caretaker until he could prove his innocence. Turski was narrowly confirmed by the Sejm, with silent opposition of the coalition party, "Right-wing for Poland", whose leader, Jan Matajewicz, soon became his archenemy, with support of his party colleague, PresidentJuliusz Szczęsny and both far-right and left-wing opposition parties. Turski, however, soon proved to be an effective leader, but his administration is involved with serious odds with other politicians. The key ally of Matajewicz is deputy Sejm MarshalKrystyna Sochaczewska, a longtime Nowasz's friend from opposition and his successor as party leader.
Henryk Nowasz, former Prime Minister and PBC leader
Konstanty Turski, Prime Minister
Julian Szczęsny, President
Jan Matajewicz, acting Sejm Marshal, PDP leader, briefly Acting President after Szczęsny's death
Krystyna Sochaczewska, PBC leader and Sejm Marshal
Adam Niemiec, chief of the Prime Minister's chancellery
Aleksandra Pyszny, chief of the Prime Minister's political cabinet
Marta Kołodziejczyk, journalist, Kowerski's former wife
Patrycja, Prime Minister's secretary
Real-life inspiration
Fictional politicians in Ekipa are often said to be a "TV alternative" for the NationalConservative administration of the Law and Justice. Series creators also mention The West Wing as a model. However, there are some significant similarities to other U.S. political drama - Commander in Chief. Like Mackenzie Allen, Turski became a leader very accidentally. Also his chief opponent is Sejm Marshal, which could remind one of odds between Allen and Speaker of the HouseNathan Templeton. Third of all: Turski preserved all cabinet of his predecessor just as Allen did, despite lack of loyalty from number of ministers. Nowasz's PBC is said to be based on former Freedom Union, while Matajewicz's PDP on Law and Justice.
Polish Centist Party - largest party in parliament, ruling in coalition with PDP. Centrist political positions. PBC composing people's with both left and right-wing leaning. Has 184 Sejm seats
Right for Poland - national-conservative, second largest in Sejm. Headed by Matajewicz. President is also a former PDP leader and its founder. 92 seats