Eilenberg–Mazur swindle

In mathematics, the Eilenberg–Mazur swindle, named after Samuel Eilenberg and Barry Mazur, is a method of proof that involves paradoxical properties of infinite sums. In geometric topology it was introduced by and is often called the Mazur swindle. In algebra it was introduced by Samuel Eilenberg and is known as the Eilenberg swindle or Eilenberg telescope.
The Eilenberg–Mazur swindle is similar to the following well known joke "proof" that 1 = 0:
This "proof" is not valid as a claim about real numbers because Grandi's series 1 − 1 + 1 − 1 + ... does not converge, but the analogous argument can be used in some contexts where there is some sort of "addition" defined on some objects for which infinite sums do make sense,
to show that if A + B = 0 then A = B = 0.

Mazur swindle

In geometric topology the addition used in the swindle is usually the connected sum of knots or manifolds.
Example : A typical application of the Mazur swindle in geometric topology is the proof that the sum of two non-trivial knots A and B is non-trivial. For knots it is possible to take infinite sums by making the knots smaller and smaller, so if A + B is trivial then
so A is trivial. The infinite sum of knots is usually a wild knot, not a tame knot.
See for more geometric examples.
Example: The oriented n-manifolds have an addition operation given by connected sum, with 0 the n-sphere. If A + B is the n-sphere, then A + B + A + B + ... is Euclidean space so the Mazur swindle shows that the connected sum of A and Euclidean space is Euclidean space, which shows that A is the 1-point compactification of Euclidean space and therefore A is homeomorphic to the n-sphere.

Eilenberg swindle

In algebra the addition used in the swindle is usually the direct sum of modules over a ring.
Example: A typical application of the Eilenberg swindle in algebra is the proof that if A is a projective module over a ring R then there is a free module F with AFF. To see this, choose a module B such that AB is free, which can be done as A is projective, and put
so that
Example: Finitely generated free modules over commutative rings R have a well-defined natural number as their dimension which is additive under direct sums, and are isomorphic if and only if they have the same dimension.
This is false for some noncommutative rings, and a counterexample can be constructed using the Eilenberg swindle as follows. Let X be an abelian group such that XXX, and let R be the ring of endomorphisms of X. Then the left R-module R is isomorphic to the left R-module RR.
Example: If A and B are any groups then the Eilenberg swindle can be used to construct a ring R such that the group rings R and R are isomorphic rings: take R to be the group ring of the restricted direct product of infinitely many copies of AB.

Other examples

The proof of the Cantor–Bernstein–Schroeder theorem might be seen as antecedent of the Eilenberg–Mazur swindle. In fact, the ideas are quite similar. If there are injections of sets from X to Y and from Y to X, this means that formally we have X=Y+A and Y=X+B for some sets A and B, where + means disjoint union and = means there is a bijection between two sets. Expanding the former with the latter,
In this bijection, let Z consist of those elements of the left hand side that correspond to an element of X on the right hand side. This bijection then expands to the bijection
Substituting the right hand side for X in Y = B + X gives the bijection
Switching every adjacent pair B + A yields
Composing the bijection for X with the inverse of the bijection for Y then yields
This argument depended on the bijections A + B = B + A and A + = + C as well as the well-definedness of infinite disjoint union.