Edmond Locard

Dr. Edmond Locard was a French criminologist, the pioneer in forensic science who became known as the "Sherlock Holmes of France". He formulated the basic principle of forensic science: "Every contact leaves a trace". This became known as Locard's exchange principle.


Locard studied medicine and law at Lyon, France, eventually becoming the assistant of Alexandre Lacassagne, a criminologist and professor. He held this post until 1910, when he began the foundation of his criminal laboratory.
In 1910, Locard succeeded in persuading the Police Department of Lyon to give him two attic rooms and two assistants, to start what became the first police laboratory.
He produced a monumental, seven-volume work, Traité de Criminalistique. He continued with his research until his death in 1966.
In November 2012, he is nominated to the French Forensic Science Hall of Fame of the Association Québécoise de Criminalistique


The young Georges Simenon, later to become a well-known detective writer, is known to have attended some Locard lectures in 1919 or 1920.
Locard is considered to be the father of modern forensic science. His Exchange Principle is the basis of all forensic work.