Edgar Brothers

Edgar Brothers is a British company registered at Companies House as Ian Edgar Limited. Their main business is as a firearms wholesaler.
Edgar Brothers has been awarded in excess of £5.5 million worth of Ministry of Defence, Defence Equipment and Support contracts within the United Kingdom.


Edgar Brothers was founded in 1947. Its business divisions include shooting sports, outdoors and a police and military division.

Government procurement contracts

Light Weapons, Photography and Batteries (LWPB) Project Team

Edgar Brothers is the sole exclusive distributor for the Light Weapons, Photography & Batteries Project Team, which is part of the Ministry of Defence's Defence Equipment and Support division. In August 2011. the company won a £3 million procurement contract to supply in-service weapons, optics and ancillaries to the project. The contract was negotiated without a call for tenders from rival firms under UK Public Contracts Regulations 2006 as Edgar Brothers has exclusive distributor status.

Defence General Munitions (DGM) Project Team

In October 2012, Edgar Brothers won a three-year contract with a two-year option to extend worth £1,030,220, for the supply of specialist munitions to the Defence General Munitions Project Team, which is also part of the Ministry of Defence's Defence Equipment and Support division. The contract was negotiated without prior publication for rival firms to be able to bid under Defence and Security Public Contracts Regulations 2011. This was due to Black Hills owning the intellectual property rights of the necessary ammunition, and Edgar Brothers being the exclusive agent for Black Hills within the UK. The option to extend for two years for was taken up in April 2014 costing the DGM Project Team a further £1,474,832.


In 2012, Edgar Brothers announced that it would be sponsoring two sporting events, the Clay Pigeon Shooting Association's British Open Sporting Championship, and, as shotgun brand Zoli, the CPSA/NSCA's World Sporting Championship.
Edgar Brothers also produce a promotional calendar each year.

Business divisions