Echinaster sepositus

Echinaster sepositus, the Mediterranean red sea star, is a species of starfish from the East Atlantic, including the Mediterranean Sea.


E. sepositus has five relatively slender arms around a small central disc. It usually has a diameter of up to, but can exceptionally reach up to. It is a bright orange-red in colour, and has a soapy surface texture unlike superficially similar Henricia starfish. The surface is dotted with evenly spaced pits from which the animal can extend its deep red gills.


E. sepositus is found in the East Atlantic north of the Equator, including the Mediterranean Sea where it is one of the most common starfish. Its northern limit is the English Channel, but only on the French side. It is found at depths of in a wide range of habitats, including rocky, sandy and muddy bottoms, and sea grass meadows.