East Palmerston, Queensland

East Palmerston is a locality in the Cassowary Coast Region, Queensland, Australia.


The Palmerston Highway passes from north-east to south-west through the locality.


The locality is presumably so named because it is to the east of neighbouring Palmerston, which in turn is believed to be named after explorer and prospector, Christie Palmerston.
About July 1933 the land of East Palmerston was surveyed to enable 10,400 acres be offered for selection in 55 lots. By September 1938, a large population was living in the area with some farms sufficiently established to supply cream to the Millaa Millaa butter factory.
The Palmerston East State School opened on 19 April 1938. It closed on 26 April 2012. It was located at 2068 Palmerston Highway East.
On 25 April 2008, a memorial was unveiled at Palmerston East State School at 2068 Palmerston Highway commemorating the Australian servicemen and women who served during wars and other conflicts.

Community groups

The East Palmerston branch of the Queensland Country Women's Association meets at the Currajah Hotel, Grima Street, Wangan.