ELVO Leonidas-2

The Leonidas-2 represented an effort made by the Greek vehicle manufacturer ELVO to produce an advanced armoured personnel carrier of its own. It is named after Leonidas, king of the ancient city-state of Sparta. The first version of the Leonidas was the Austrian Saurer 4K 4FA armoured personnel carrier built with minor modifications by the Greek company from 1981 until 1987. Initial production was essentially assembly, however Greek content progressively increased. The APC had a 320 hp engine and a weight of 14.8 tons.

Design and development

The 'Leonidas-2' development involved extensive modification of the previous model. This was done by ELVO in 1987 with the aim to essentially develop it as an armoured infantry fighting vehicle. The new version had a weight of 18.8 tons and it used a 450 hp engine; maximum speed was 70 km/h. The construction of the turret became a matter of debates involving interested companies, but the vehicle was finally produced without a turret. About 700 were produced, including a number exported to Cyprus. Plans to develop the vehicle further as 'Leonidas-3' for different roles were abandoned in 2002, as the vehicle was considered outdated. ELVO continued efforts for a modern AIFV development, starting cooperation in 1988 with Steyr-Daimler-Puch of Austria on a joint development, but soon pulled out due to the high cost of the vehicle compared to the Greek Army specifications. Eventually ELVO worked on its own, developing a completely new armoured infantry fighting vehicle, the Kentaurus in 1998.

Leonidas production

The table below shows the production run based on the history of publicly known orders, as published in the press. The total appears as 700 vehicles, yet the company ELVO in its internet site mentions a total production of "about 800 vehicles"
YearOrigin of orderQuantityNotes
1981Greece2Leonidas 1 version.
2 prototypes delivered from Austria for testing
1981Greece100Leonidas 1 version.
Delivered between 1982 and 1983, originally only assembled in Greece, progressively Greek participation increased
1986Cyprus56Leonidas 2 version.
16 built in Austria, 40 in Greece.
1987Greece344Leonidas 2 version.
Built in Greece.
1993Cyprus76Leonidas 2 version.
Built in Greece.
1995Cyprus65Leonidas 2 version.
Built in Greece.
1998Greece57Leonidas 2 version.
Built in Greece.
2001North Macedonia 10Leonidas 2 version with new automatic transmission.
Built in Greece.
Total700503 vehicles delivered to Greece.
197 vehicles delivered to Cyprus.


Current operators
