EFY Group

EFY Group is a privately held Indian technology-oriented publishing organisation based in New Delhi. The initial publication of the EFY Group was Electronics For You, a monthly electronics magazine that was first published in 1969. The EFY Group currently manages six magazines, six web portals, five annual events, four Facebook communities, a directory, and around 30 book titles. The company also provides hands-on training courses, and manufactures and markets Do-It-Yourself electronics projects and hobby kits. Its revenue is over 11 million rupees per year. The organisation hires 200 employees, who are situated mostly in southeast Asia. Two more organisations are part of the group: IT Solutions India Pvt Ltd and Kits’n’Spares.

EFY Group publications

Some magazines and web properties by EFY Group are:
EFY also conducts a set of major events on a regular basis, targeting design engineers, developers, technologists, and technical decision makers. The biggest among these is EFY Conferences, under which comes Electronics Rocks as well as the IoTShow.in event. These events also have short-term technical courses that are designed to provide students with practical hands-on training.