Dream Flight
Dream Flight is a 3-D computer-animated fiction film completely produced by computer. The film was produced in 1982 at the University of Montreal and directed by Philippe Bergeron, Nadia Magnenat Thalmann and Daniel Thalmann.
It is the story of a creature living on another planet and dreaming that he flies across space like a bird and arrives on Earth. Typical scenes are set in Paris and New York. Others show natural scenes such as ocean, trees, and birds.
The film was completely programmed using the MIRA graphical language, an extension of the Pascal programming language based on Abstract Graphical Data Types.Awards
The film was shown at the SIGGRAPH ’83 Electronic Theater and received several awards including:
- First Award, Computer Graphics, Online, 1982
- Golden Sheaf Award, Yorkton Short Film and Video Festival, Canada, 1983
- Special Award, Murcia Film-Festival, Spain, 1984
- Chris Award, 32nd Annual Columbus International Film Festival, 1984
- Special Award, Facets Multimedia, Chicago, 1985
- Raster Technologies award 1986