Drakri Hermitage

Drakri Hermitage is a historic hermitage in Tibet, belonging to Sera Monastery. It is located about northeast of Lhasa, on a mountainside.


The hermitage grounds consists of five sections:
While the hermitage is believed to have been founded during the 18th century, little documentation of its early history exists. In 1959, the monks were evicted and Drakri converted into a prison with a reputation for severity. With the expansion of other prisons in Lhasa, Drakri was eventually abandoned.
During the 1980s a representative of a rival sect to that of the original owners began restoration work on the hermitage to convert it to a Nyingma practice center. In response to objections raised by a representative of the previous owner, the Nyingma devotee has asserted that he is renovating the hermitage in stewardship rather than ownership.
