Dragon Hunter

Dragon Hunter is a long-running historical fantasy manhwa series created by Hong Seock-seo, set in a 6th-century South Korea terrorized by dragons. The series began publication 10 June 2003.


The story involves a money-obsessed dragon hunter named Seur Chong, who, with the aid of shamans, tries to follow in the footsteps of Andrew Yi, the greatest dragon hunter of all time. Seur Chong, however, is afflicted with the Dragon's Curse, and he must slay a blue dragon in order to survive.


;Daechang-Nim\Seur Chun
A former leader of the Invisible Shadow Killer Clan of the Chunjoo. It was made apparent that he was blind in the hunt of the water dragon when he proclaimed that his equilibrium was off, and the fact that his eyes were surrounded by the dragons curse of the thunder dragon. he is extremely powerful yet very mysterious. It is not until volume seven where you begin to suspect that he is intermingled with Seur Chong and in volume 8 it is told that Yeun-Wha which was Seur Chong's mother was in fact his wife and thus making him the father of Seur Chong.
Dragons Curse: Thunder Dragon