Dr. Henry's Emergency Lessons for People
Dr. Henry's Emergency Lessons for People is a series of animated television shorts that served as public service announcements, aimed at children. Created and produced by writer and lyricist Lynn Ahrens, these one-minute shorts which debuted during the 1979–1980 television season. They were broadcast throughout the early 1980s in the US on ABC during commercial breaks on Saturday mornings when youngsters were tuned in to Saturday morning cartoons and similar children's programming. H.E.L.P.! won an Emmy Award.
Each short presents a central character experiencing a minor injury and the proper way to initially handle care for it. Examples are small cut or a burn.
Listed as medical consultant is Dr. Henry J. Heimlich, the inventor of the famous Heimlich maneuver, a lifesaving technique for helping choking victims. The shorts feature exaggerated cartoon style similar to most Saturday morning cartoon entertainment. This was designed by Rowland Wilson and provided by Phil Kimmelman and Associates. The production company for H.E.L.P. was Dahlia Productions.