Don't Be Afraid (album)

Don't Be Afraid is a 1997 industrial / electronic album by Information Society. It saw a dramatic change in creative direction from the pop stylings of Information Society's earlier work to a darker sound with prominent themes of paranoia and disaffection with modern life. The sound of Don't Be Afraid is most similar to the late 1990s dark industrial work of Gary Numan.
The album was created as a solo effort by Information Society frontman Kurt Harland. After the breakup of the band in the mid-1990s, Harland decided to retain the band name for this album. In 2006, the band reunited and reassumed the name.

Track listing

The 10th track on Don't Be Afraid is titled "White Roses" and sounds as 55 seconds of modem noise. When decoded, text data is displayed revealing clues for of an Internet scavenger hunt of sorts to collect 16 separate ARJ-compressed, password-protected files which add up to the completed "White Roses song" in WAV format. Most of the pieces are now lost, due to hosting being taken down.
The song itself is a dark synth and acoustic guitar piece lasting over seven minutes whose main theme is depression and internal identity crisis. The website has a page of information related to this hunt and an MP3 download of the complete song.

Alternative releases

Three songs were used in video games that had soundtracks composed by Kurt Harland.