Domingo Cabello y Robles

Domingo Cabello y Robles was a Spanish military officer who served as the governor of Nicaragua, Texas and Cuba. His legislation in Texas was widely criticized.

Early years

Domingo Cabello y Robles was born in León, Spain, around 1725. As a youth, he joined the Royal Spanish Army of Leon, where he became an officer. In 1741, he joined an infantry regiment, serving as Lieutenant.
In 1742, he traveled to Santiago de Cuba, and the flotilla was attacked by an English warship. He returned to Spain in 1749, however, the King appointed him Mayor and sent him back to Cuba, where he acted as commander of a fixed regiment of four battalions belonging to the garrison of the island and presidios of Florida. In 1762, he managed to defeat the British, who tried to invade Havana. Thereafter, the king appointed him as governor of Nicaragua. This appointment became official on December 12, 1764, with his governorship ending on July 20, 1776.

Governor of Texas

On October 29, 1778 Cabello was appointed interim governor of Texas. During his term, he helped the Lipan Apache people in their struggle against the Comanches. Due to the strength of the Comanche Empire and his desire to end their countless raids into Spanish territory, he enlisted Pedro Vial and Francisco Xavier Chavez to attempt to negotiate peace with the Comanche people. In 1785, a peace treaty between the Spanish and Comanches was enacted, achieving an acceptable peace in the north of the border until his government ended. However, the Apaches still were a threat in the South and the lands spread until Pecos.
The previous administration of Ripperdá brought most of Texas population into poverty. In addition, massive exports of products of animal origins caused a depletion of livestock, resulting in cattle raiding and the failure of an ordinance issued in January 1778. Cabello tried to comply with regulation of exports and made attempts to prevent illegal exports. Therefore, on July 10, 1783, he set the so-called "Bando" law, which required compliance with certain guidelines for the exports of products of unmarked livestock, roundup and branding.
Cabello set a number of changes and improvements in Texas during his administration. He created a new province joining Texas to Guadalajara. Later, many residents of Bucareli, abandoned this city and settled in Nacogdoches, in Hasinai lands. Cabello y Robles also established a monthly mail service between the Province of Texas and the Provincias Internas. In 1786, Pedro Vial was commissioned to find a direct route between San Antonio and Santa Fe, New Mexico. Cabello ended his term in December 3, 1786.

Later Years

Shortly after he abandoned the legislation in Texas, farmers presented a memorial against Cabello, accusing him of setting unfair rules and denying them the rights on the unbranded cattle. They also accused him of having misappropriated funds. Cabello was very criticized, but he was highly regarded by the king. He did not learn of the charges against him until 1790. Nonetheless, between 1789 and 1790, he occupied other highlight military and politician charges: so, he was governor of Cuba, lieutenant of king in the garrison of the Havana and deputy inspector of troops of Cuba, and in 1797 he attained the Field Marshal's rank.