Domenico Casalino

Domenico Casalino is an Italian executive. He was CEO of Consip, a public stock company owned by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance operating on the public procurement services field and Techno Sky, the ENAV Group society for maintenance and development of the air traffic management technologies. CEO of AC Group, an Italian company operating on the IoT domain for the automotive industry.

Early life

Ever since his early youth Casalino was directly involved in social activity and in the State: first as a volunteer of the Red Cross ; then as an officer in the 78th Battalion "Lupi di Toscana".
After completing his studies with a degree in economics from the 'Sapienza' University of Rome, Casalino specialized in Security Studies at the Link Campus – University of Malta, in Space Institutions and Policies at SIOI – Italian Society for International Organization, in Strategy and Security at the IASD, Institute for Advanced Defence Studies.


He began his professional career at the Treasury Department of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, where from 1988 until 2006 joined progressively increasing responsibility and duties.
Casalino worked closely with the General Director of the Treasury Department, Professor Mario Draghi, participating in priority projects – including the modernization of the forecasting systems for the accounting of state treasury and the forecasting systems for public finance – up to become responsible for the ICT System of the same Department. Later, the collaboration of Casalino continued with Domenico Siniscalco and Vittorio Grilli.
During this period, he joined the duties of Vice President of Consip, member of the board of directors of the bank Coopercredito SpA, member of the Monitoring Committee on compulsory liquidation of Financial Società Italiana Ernesto Breda and Reggiane OMI, member of the Regional Evaluation Group on health investment in the Lazio Region, member of the Board for the approval of microprocessors of the electronic identity card.
He also participated in GIPAF – interdisciplinary group for the administrative prevention of fraud on payment cards held by the Ministry of Economy and Finance; and became member of ACFE – Association of Certified Fraud Examiners – Italy Chapter.
From 2007 to 2011, he was in ENAV – National Society of Air Navigation Services, where he was appointed head of ICT internal systems and participates in the start-up of priority projects, including 'Single European Sky', initiative of the European Commission focused on reforming the architecture of air traffic management system to meet future capacity and safety needs.
From May 2011 to 2015, he was chief executive officer of Consip. The appointment sealed a professional career has always focused on new technologies, of which the National central purchasing – at whose creation Casalino participates from the earliest moments – is an example of Italian excellence also at international level.
From 2015 to 2017 he was chief executive officer of Techno Sky, the ENAV Group society for maintenance and development of the air traffic management technologies.

International background

Casalino is very proactive at international level in the diffusion of know-how and methodologies related to public procurement.
In September 2012 he was invited to the 12° conference Good governance and the establishment of institutional-based states in Cairo, Egypt, as lead speaker on Good governance and public procurement.
Then he attended the launching of the MENA-OECD Network on Public Procurement, co-chaired by Consip, Tunisia and Morocco.

In 2013 Casalino was designated as lead procurement practitioner to the launching of the OECD Leading Practitioners meeting in OECD headquarters, together with other 20 worldwide senior procurement experts.
On February was invited speaker to the first Anti-Corruption Working Group, within the framework of the Russia's G20 Presidency.
On July, Consip and PPS, the Korean Central Purchasing Body, signed in Rome the new 'Memorandum of Understanding on Public Procurement'.
Casalino participated as lead member of the Procurement G6, the most important international network among government procurement agencies involving Italy, the USA, Republic of Korea, the UK, Canada and Chile, in the MMGP, Multilateral Meeting on Government Procurement, on September.
In the same period it was renewed the co-chairmanship of Consip of the MENA-OECD Network on Government Procurement, together with Morocco, Tunisia and the Republic of Korea, to support countries of the Arab Spring for the development of more transparent and efficient procurement systems.
In October he organized the first Italian meeting of the European Network among Central Purchasing Bodies, involving the major CPBs of Europe.
In 2014 he was member of the Advisory Committee of the MENA-OECD Governance Programme Training Center of Caserta, together with the Ministers of Public Administration of Italy, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Libya.
He participates in relevant international cooperation projects – coordinated by the World Bank, and the European Commission – aimed at implementing locally advanced national procurement systems and centralized procurement models.

Academic roles

Casalino is visiting professor at LUISS University and lecturer at several universities and institutions including Sapienza University of Rome and Link Campus University, he has been:
5th Class / Knight Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, 2002.
Italian Red Cross Meritorious, 1990.
Best in Class 2012, Alumni Association of Graduates in Economics at 'Sapienza' Università di Roma.
Premio Comparto Aerospaziale 2016, Demetra Centro Studi at ENAC, 12 July 2016.

Social commitment

He is an Officer of the Red Cross and has been a Red Cross Volunteer since 1977, participating at several international emergency operations – such as in loco delegate of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies – national emergency operations and CIVIS projects on cooperation between volunteers of CRI and DRK.
Casalino, also, participated to the start-up of the web identity projects of the International Red Cross.

Personal life

Married with Daniela and father of Valerio and Giorgia.