
A doghouse, dog house, dogshed or kennel is a small shed commonly built in the shape of a house, intended to provide dogs with a sense of security and protection from various weather conditions. Numerous materials can be used, such as wood, plastic, resin, and hardboard.
Doghouses are also used for other pets, such as rabbits in enclosed yards.


Humans often build "houses" for domestic animals, often resembling smaller versions of human domiciles. These include bird-houses, hen-houses/chicken-coops and doghouses; while housed agricultural animals more often live in barns and stables. Doghouses are often used when the dog is outdoors in the garden, and on areas around a farm where the dog guards the possessions of the owners from unwanted/unexpected people or animals. A doghouse is made of insulating material to prevent loss of heat except for a front opening where the dog will enter. The roof is almost always waterproof material. The roof of a doghouse is built to prevent snow or rain from collecting. Often, the owner of the pet should be able to open or remove the roof.