
Discorbacea, Discorboidea in recent taxonomies, is a superfamily of foraminifera,, with a range extending from the Middle Triassic to the present, characterized by chambers arranged in a low trochspiral; an umbilical or interiomarginal aperture, with or without supplementary apertures; and a wall structure that is optically radial.
Eight families are currently recognized, further characterized here in.
Two other families were included, the Asterigerinidae and Epistomariidae, which have been removed to the Asterigerinacea. Some now included families such as the Bagginidae were once defined as a subfamily, the Bagginindae, based on the genus Baggina, in the Discorbidae. As a result the discorbid subfamily Discorbine became the present Discorbidae. The Pegidiidae, originally the rotaliitid subfamily Pegidiinae was removed from the Rotaliacea and added to the Discorbacea as a family. Helenina, a genus in the Discorbinae, became the type for its own family, the Heleninidae. Finally the Eponididae was once included in the Orbitoidacea before being made part of the Discorbacea.