Dimitri Mihalas

Dimitri Manuel Mihalas was a laboratory fellow at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the field of astronomy, astrophysics, and stellar atmosphere. He was born in Los Angeles, California and was of Greek origin.
Mihalas obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1959. In one year, he received his master's degree from California Institute of Technology in 1960. He completed his PhD degree in three years in 1963 in Physics and Astronomy, also from California Institute of Technology.
At a very early age of 42, he became a member of the National Academy of Science.
Besides a large number of scientific papers, mostly related to radiative transfer, Mihalas authored reference books such as "Stellar Atmospheres".
Mihalas had bipolar disorder. He wrote a number of essays and books on the problem.
Scientific books
Non-science books