Dictyota is a genus of seaweed in the Dictyotaceae family. Species are predominantly found in tropical and sub-tropical seas, and are known to contain numerous chemicals which have potential medicinal value. As at the end of 2017, some 237 different diterpenes had been identified from across the genus.
The genus Dictyota contains the following species:- Dictyota acutiloba J.Agardh, 1848
- Dictyota adhaerens Noda, 1965
- Dictyota adnata Zanardini, 1878
- *Dictyota adnata f. nana Post
- Dictyota aegerrima De Clerck, 2006
- Dictyota alternifida J.Agardh, 1894
- Dictyota anastomosans Steen et al.
- Dictyota apiculata var. Agardh Weber-van Bosse
- Dictyota asiatica I.K.Hwang
- Dictyota attenuata P.Crouan & H.Crouan, 1842
- Dictyota bartayresiana J.V.Lamouroux, 1809
- *Dictyota bartayresiana var. divaricata Kützing
- Dictyota bifurca J.Agardh, 1894
- Dictyota binghamiae J.Agardh, 1894
- Dictyota canaliculata O.De Clerck & E.Coppejans, 1997
- Dictyota canariensis Tronholm, 2013
- Dictyota caribaea Hörnig & Schnetter, 1992
- *Dictyota cervicornis f. pseudodichotoma Taylor
- *Dictyota cervicornis f. spiralis Taylor
- *Dictyota ceylanica var. anastomosans Yamada
- Dictyota chalchicueyecanensis Lozano-Orozco & Sentíes
- *Dictyota ciliata var. humilis Grunow
- Dictyota ciliolata Sonder ex Kützing, 1859
- Dictyota concrescens W.R.Taylor, 1945
- Dictyota coriacea I.K.Wang, H.-S.Kim & W.J.Lee, 2004
- Dictyota crenulata J.Agardh, 1847
- Dictyota cribrosa Setchell & N.L.Gardner, 1930
- Dictyota crinita Hörnig, Schnetter & Prud'Homme van Reine, 1992
- Dictyota crux
- *Dictyota crux f. parva A.Bachmann
- Dictyota cuneata Dickie, 1874
- Dictyota cyanoloma Tronholm, De Clerck, A.Gómez-Garreta & Rull Lluch, 2010
- Dictyota cymatophila Tronholm, M.Sanson & Afonso-Carrillo, 2010
- Dictyota decumbens Hörnig, Schnetter & Prud'homme van Reine, 1992
- Dictyota detergenda Kraft, 2009
- Dictyota dhofarensis De Clerck, 2006
- Dictyota dichotoma J.V.Lamouroux, 1809
- Dictyota dichotoma Suhr, 1839
- *Dictyota dichotoma f. angustior Schiffner
- *Dictyota dichotoma var. fimbriata Piccone & Grunow
- *Dictyota dichotoma var. genuina Grunow
- *Dictyota dichotoma var. guinea Grunow
- *Dictyota dichotoma var. inequalis S.F.Gray
- *Dictyota dichotoma var. intricata Greville
- *Dictyota dichotoma var. patens
- *Dictyota dichotoma f. proliferans Ercegovic
- Dictyota diemensis Sonder ex Kützing, 1859
- Dictyota dilatata Yamada, 1925
- Dictyota divaricata P.L.Crouan & H.M.Crouan, 1865
- Dictyota dolabellana De Paula, Yoneshigue-Valentin & Teixeira, 2008
- Dictyota dumosa Børgesen, 1935
- Dictyota fasciculata Sperk, 1869
- Dictyota fascida J.Agardh, 1898
- *Dictyota fasciola var. abyssinica J.Agardh
- Dictyota fasciola J.V.Lamouroux, 1809
- *Dictyota fasciola var. divergens f. major Schiffner
- *Dictyota fasciola var. divergens f. minor Schiffner
- *Dictyota fasciola var. elongata De Notaris
- *Dictyota fasciola f. major Schiffner
- *Dictyota fasciola f. minor Schiffner
- *Dictyota fasciola var. repens Ardissone
- Dictyota fastigiata Sonder, 1845
- Dictyota fenestrata J.Agardh, 1894
- Dictyota flabellata Setchell & N.L.Gardner, 1924
- Dictyota flabellulata Foster & Schiel
- Dictyota flagellifera Kraft, 2009
- Dictyota foliosa J.Agardh, 1892
- Dictyota friabilis Setchell, 1926
- Dictyota furcellata Greville, 1830
- Dictyota galapagensis De Clerck, 2006
- Dictyota grossedentata De Clerck & Coppejans, 1999
- Dictyota guajirae Hörnig, Schnetter & J.M.Over, 1992
- Dictyota guineënsis P.L.Crouan & H.M.Crouan, 1878
- Dictyota gunniana I.Hörnig, R.Schnetter & Prud'homme van Reine, 1992
- Dictyota hamifera Setchell, 1926
- Dictyota harveyana
- Dictyota hauckiana Nizamuddin, 1975
- Dictyota humifusa Hörnig, Schnetter & Coppejans, 1992
- Dictyota implexa J.V.Lamouroux, 1809
- Dictyota indica Anand, 1965
- Dictyota inscripta J.Agardh, 1893
- Dictyota intermedia Zanardini, 1874
- Dictyota jamaicensis W.R.Taylor, 1960
- Dictyota kunthii Greville, 1830
- Dictyota laciniata J.V.Lamouroux, 1809
- Dictyota lata J.V.Lamouroux, 1809
- *Dictyota linearis var. campsosticha Montagne
- *Dictyota linearis f. intricata Kützing
- *Dictyota linearis var. major P.Crouan & H.Crouan
- *Dictyota linearis var. minor Sonder
- Dictyota littoralis P.Anand, 1965
- Dictyota liturata J.Agardh, 1848
- Dictyota major W.R.Taylor, 1945
- Dictyota masonii Setchell & N.L.Gardner, 1930
- Dictyota mayae Lozano-Orozco & Sentíes
- Dictyota mediterranea G.Furnari, 1997
- Dictyota menstrualis Schnetter, Hörnig & Weber-Peukert, 1987
- Dictyota mertensii Kützing, 1859
- Dictyota moniliformis Hörnig, Schnetter & Prud'homme van Reine, 1992
- Dictyota multifida Bory, 1838
- Dictyota naevosa Montagne, 1840
- Dictyota nigrescens Zanardini, 1878
- Dictyota nigricans J.Agardh, 1882
- Dictyota ocellata J.Agardh, 1894
- Dictyota pachyderma Luan Rixiao & Ding Lanping
- Dictyota paniculata J.Agardh, 1841
- Dictyota papenfussii Lindauer, 1949
- *Dictyota pavonia var. maxima J.V.Lamouroux
- Dictyota pedrochei Lozano-Orozco & Sentíes
- Dictyota pellucida J.Agardh, 1892
- Dictyota penicellata J.V.Lamouroux
- Dictyota phlyctaenodes Montagne, 1852
- Dictyota pinnata I.Hörnig, R.Schnetter & Prud'homme van Reine, 1993
- Dictyota pinnatifida Kützing, 1859
- *Dictyota pinnatifida var. rigida Grunow
- Dictyota plantaginea J.V.Lamouroux ex Frauenfeld, 1855
- Dictyota plectens Kraft, 2009
- Dictyota pleiacantha Tronholm, 2013
- Dictyota polyclada Sonder ex Kützing
- Dictyota pontica Sperk, 1869
- Dictyota pulchella Hörnig & Schnetter, 1988>
- Dictyota rhizodes J.V.Lamouroux
- Dictyota rigida De Clerck & Coppejans, 1999
- Dictyota robusta J.Agardh, 1894
- Dictyota rotunda C.Agardh, 1820
- Dictyota sandvicensis Sonder, 1859
- Dictyota serrulata J.V.Lamouroux, 1809
- Dictyota spathulata Yamada, 1928
- Dictyota spinulosa J.D.Hooker & Arnott, 1838
- Dictyota spiralis Montagne, 1846
- Dictyota stolonifera E.Y.Dawson, 1962
- Dictyota suhrii I.Hörnig, R.Schnetter & W.F.Prud'homme van Reine, 1992
- Dictyota vieillardii Kützing, 1863
- *Dictyota vieillardii var. filiformis Kützing
- Dictyota virellus Noda, 1971
- Dictyota vittata Kraft, 2009
- Dictyota vivesii M.A.Howe, 1911