Dick Figures
Dick Figures is an American adult animated web comedy series created by Ed Skudder and Zack Keller and written and directed by Skudder and Keller. The series, featuring two humanlike stick figures named Red and Blue who are best friends, aired for the first time on November 18, 2010. Episodes, which are typically under 4-minutes in length, are distributed on YouTube by Mondo Media. The series is aimed at mature audiences. In 2012, Keller was nominated for an Annie Award for Directing in an Animated Television/Broadcast Production for the episode titled "Kung Fu Winners".
The series, comprising over 50 episodes, has been viewed over 250 million times.
After raising $313,411 on Kickstarter, Dick Figures was eventually given a feature-length comedy adventure film, titled . The 73-minute film became available on all major digital platforms on September 17, 2013.
- Ed Skudder as Red, Raccoon
- Zack Keller as Blue, Jason A.K.A
- Ben Tuller as Lord Tourettes
- Shea Logsdon as Pink
- Mike Nassar as Broseph
- Lauren Kay Sokolov as Stacy
- Eric Bauza as the Genie, Mall Santa, Golden Lotus Ninjas and Gerald Butler
- Austin Madison as Earl Grey
- Chad Quandt as Chad Cop
- Arlyne Ramirez as Sarah Connors, Boy, Girl
- Ed Skudder as Mr. Dingleberry
- Zack Keller as Street Artist
- Thomas "TomSka" Ridgewell as Mash
- Red is a wild and crazy guy who is obsessed with partying, drinking, weapons, and sex. He lives in an apartment with Blue and often gets on his nerves. In the episode "Trouble Date", Red begins a relationship with the promiscuous Stacy and they both frequently ruin Blue and Pink's dates. Despite being in a relationship, Red is frequently seen having sex with other women. In the episode "First Day of Cool", it was revealed that he is an extraterrestrial being that came to Earth from a meteor. He crash-landed on the elementary school playground where he beat up the fifth-graders who were bullying Blue and instantly became friends with him. Red's antics often get him and Blue into trouble and he frequently insults Blue for his "nerdy" status, though he has on occasion shown how much he cares for Blue and values him as a friend, and always helps him out when needed. The special "Figured Out" episode reveals that his full name is Redward.
- Blue is Red's depressed, levelheaded roommate and his best friend. Red's actions frequently annoy and exasperate Blue, though he is secretly envious of Red and wishes to be more like him. His hobbies include Dungeons & Dragons, comics and video games, and he displays a skill for hacking computers. Blue lives with Red in an apartment, and is often looking for jobs to pay the bills and rent, since Red never does. In the episode "Flame War", Blue gets a girlfriend named Pink. Their relationship becomes strained several times, usually through Red's actions, though they remain together for the rest of the series. The special "Figured Out" episode reveals that his full name is Blewis.
- Lord Tourettes is a whimsical and effeminate larper with Tourette's syndrome, hence his name. He is a recurring character on the show who made his first appearance in the episode "Role Playas". He has constant outbursts of profane rage in his sentences, which he does not seem to care about. In the episode "Lord Tourette's Syndrome", it is revealed that him wearing his hat is the reason he constantly swears.
- Pink is Blue's girlfriend. She is a recurring character who made her first appearance in the episode "Flame War" where she and Blue start a romantic relationship. Pink seems to be as serious as Blue is and has expressed her fair share of depression. She has a job and rarely gets time off. She constantly runs into problems with Blue, which mostly stem from Red ruining their dates together. It has been implied that Pink breaks up with him multiple times because of this. Pink is also easily fooled by Blue's attempts to be cultural They did not share their first kiss until the end of the movie before confessing their love for each other, later getting married and having children. In the episode "A Hobbit of Thrones", it is revealed that Pink is best friends with Stacy and their relationship is similar to Red and Blue's.
- Stacy is Red's girlfriend. She is a recurring character who made her first appearance in "Trouble Date". Stacy is a ditzy, promiscuous woman who has sex with many different men. Red and Stacy began their relationship in "Trouble Date" where they annoyed Pink and Blue on their date and ended up having sex on the restaurant table. Afterwards, Stacy did not appear again until the episode "Modern Flame War 3" where she had a different hairstyle and a job at Cybertime Systems. In the episode "Robot Frog", it was revealed that Stacy had dated Blue for two years before she started dating Red. In this episode, she was shown to be a sane, mature woman who dumped Blue because she believed that he was holding her back from what she truly wanted to be, which was a lascivious party girl, which is exactly what she became. In the episode "First Day of Cool", it was implied that her promiscuous nature came about after she consumed large amounts of Pixy Stix as a young child.
- Mr. Dingleberry is Red and Blue's elderly landlord who made his first appearance in "Flame War". Dingleberry was a soldier in World War II and was a part of the Normandy landings. He is extremely frail, often seen hunched over and using a walking stick, and as such he is forgetful and suffers medical complications. He is annoyed by Red and Blue's antics, and often tries to get them to pay rent. Despite being old, he attempts to be part of the cool kids, as he regularly joins raves and takes drugs. One of the main gags in the series is for Mr. Dingleberry to die in almost every episode he appears in.
- Broseph is an obnoxious, arrogant bully and nemesis of Red and Blue. Broseph made his first appearance in the episode "Zombies & Shotguns" where he was chainsawed to death by Red. Similar to Mr. Dingleberry, a running gag is for Broseph to die in almost every episode he appears in, which is usually caused by Red. In the episode "First Day of Cool", Broseph was shown to be the leader of a gang of fifth-graders as a child who bullied Blue. In this episode, Broseph and the rest of the fifth-graders were attacked and killed by Red when the latter debuted, saving Blue's life.