
Dicentra, known as bleeding-hearts, is a genus of eight species of herbaceous plants with oddly shaped flowers and finely divided leaves, native to eastern Asia and North America.


Flowers have two tiny sepals and four petals. The flowers are bisymmetric: the two outer petals are spurred or pouched at the base and curved outwards or backwards at the tip, and the two inner ones with or without a crest at the tip. In Dicentra, all leaves are in a basal rosette, and flowers are on leafless stalks. In other genera with bisymmetric heart-shaped flowers, leaves grow on stems as well as from the root. Each of the two compound stamens is composed of one median and two lateral half stamens fused together. The stamens and pistil are held between the inner petals.
Seeds with elaiosomes are borne in long capsules.
All parts are poisonous if ingested.


Current species

The genus Dicentra includes plants whose flowers and leaves grow on stems directly from the roots. Species with branching stems used to be included in the genus, but have now been moved to other genera.
ImageScientific nameCommon NameDistribution
Dicentra canadensis Walp.squirrel-corneastern North America
Dicentra cucullaria Bernh.Dutchman's-breecheseastern North America, with a disjunct population in the Columbia Basin
Dicentra eximia Torr.fringed bleeding-heart, turkey-cornAppalachian Mountains
Dicentra formosa Walp.western or Pacific bleeding-heartPacific Coast of North America
Dicentra nevadensis Eastw.Sierra bleeding-heartSierra Nevada peaks of Tulare and Fresno Counties, endemic to central eastern California
Dicentra pauciflora S. Wats.short-horn steer's-headOregon and California
Dicentra peregrina MakinokomakusaJapan, the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin Island, and northeastern Siberia
Dicentra uniflora Kellogglong-horn steer's-headwestern United States

Former species

The genera Dactylicapnos, Ichtyoselmis, Ehrendorferia and Lamprocapnos were previously included as subgenera in Dicentra, but have been shown not to belong in this genus
There are several hybrids and cultivars involving Dicentra eximia, Dicentra formosa, and Dicentra peregrina, including :-
Hybrids involving Dicentra peregrina are often intolerant of hot, humid climates and sun, like the species itself.