Dianella revoluta

Dianella revoluta, the blueberry lily is a perennial herb of Australia.


It was first described in 1810 by Robert Brown.
Commonly known as the black-anther flax-lily, blueberry flax-lily or spreading flax-lily,
Placed with the genus Dianella of the family Asphodelaceae, subfamily Hemerocallidoideae, found across Australia and Tasmania. so allied to twenty to forty other species.
Revisions of Dianella revoluta have produced new taxonomic descriptions, as with species Dianella admixta. Several varieties have been described, those named in Western Australia are
Dianella revoluta flowers in spring with a star-like purple flower which develops into a blue to purple berry. The berry fruit is reported to be edible.

Cultural use

was named after this plant, which was plentiful in the area prior to the 1960s residential development.