Deutsche Höhere Privatschule Windhoek

The Deutsche Höhere Privatschule, or DHPS as it is commonly known, is a private school in Namibia. Situated in the capital Windhoek, it is the oldest private high school in the country. Being a Namibian-German school of encounter and one of 140 German Schools Abroad, the DHPS is also one of the biggest German international schools in Africa. The headmaster is Kristin Eichholz.
The DHPS also offers boarding school facilities, a kindergarten and pre-school and primary and secondary grades from Grade 1 to grade 12. Various sporting facilities are part of the spacious campus in the centre of town, e.g. swimming pool, basketball courts, soccer fields, beach volleyball field and roller hockey rink.
Scholars have the option of leaving with the in grade 12, which exempts them for Southern African universities and other Southern African institutions, or doing the , also in grade 12.


The school was established in 1909 under the name Kaiserliche Realschule. Its name changed to Deutsche Höhere Privatschule upon the abdication of the German emperor Wilhelm II. The school celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2009 with the hosting of many events during the year. DHPS is funded by the Federal German Government as well as by school fees.


The school's campus is right in the centre of town and offers a great variety for each age group. The kindergarten, pre-school, boarding facilities and sports field are on one side and offer together with cafeteria and open-air stage a great entertainment area with playgrounds etc.
The boarding school offers different sections for students in grades 1–4, 5–9, and 10–12, with grade 12 students having the privilege of having less supervision in their facilities.
The "Kreutzberger building" hosts Grades 1–2 and the DHPS Child & Youth Centre. The hockey and sports field are in front of the Kreutzberger building as well. The main campus consists of classrooms for Grades 3–12, the technical skills workshops, the gym, library, etc.