Detention is a short-lived American animated television series created by Bob Doucette that premiered on Kids' WB on September 11, 1999 to March 25, 2000. The series ran for one season of 13 half-hour episodes. The series is about a group of eight troubled 6th grade students from Benedict ArnoldMiddle School in Oak Forest who continually find themselves in detention. The kids are constantly trying to stay out of detention and out of trouble. Since 2018, the show has been available on iTunes and on DVD in Region 1 as a Manufacture-on-Demand release that is only available through the Warner Archive website and other online stores.
Shareena Wickett – A 12-year-old goth girl that prefers to be a free spirit and finds pleasure in the sublime. Shareena's beliefs are never taken seriously by her parents. Her hobbies include reading horror stories and a talent of séances.
Emmitt Roswell – A conspiracy theorist who explains that intelligent life exists in outer space and is determined to make contact with aliens. As stated in Boyz 'n The Parenthood, Emmitt has an estranged father.
Jim Kim – A shy kid with a love for comic book superheroes. He takes on the characters' attributes at inopportune times.
Ramone "Gug" Gugleamo – A short Latino kid with a short temper. Constantly left out of competitive sports, Gug constantly picks fights with kids twice his own size and has even wanted to take down Miss Kisskillya. He and Emmitt have their occasional rivalries, however, they both agree on their lack of patience with Jim.
Duncan Bubble – A quiet boy who is always playing with a yo-yo and he's not speaking. He instead uses his yo-yo to spell out messages, accompanied by an electronic voice reading the message. He is based on a deaf friend Doucette had during production.
Lemonjella and Orangejella LaBelle – A pair of identical twins. They have been known to get themselves in trouble by hacking into the school computers and removing library fines. For some reasons, Their scientific descriptions that confuse Miss Kisskillya and the other kids. They have shown to be competitive with each other.
Shelley Kelly – An optimistic and peppy girl who wears a same Ladybug Scout uniform and the only kid in detention who did not due to the rule breaking but because she is Ms. Kisskillya's assistant. She constantly kisses up to Miss Kisskillya and has a crush on Emmitt. As a result, she is often detested by the other kids, whom she wishes to be friends with. However, on some occasions, Shelley is an ally to the other kids.
Eugenia P. Kisskillya – The gym teacher and detention monitor of Benedict Arnold Middle School. Having been a military sergeant in the Marine Corps, Miss Kisskillya bosses the children around like such, calls other people by rankings in the army, and usually pronounces "detention" as "dee-tennnn-shun!!" The only student she likes is Shelley Kelly, who serves as her "Teacher's Pet" and whom she refers to as "Private Kelly". Despite usually being oftentimes tyrannical towards the children, she has been shown to be a nice person. She is based on creator Bob Doucette's grade school teacher who was a nun, as well as Freeman's character, the strict Sister Mary Stigmata, from The Blues Brothers and Blues Brothers 2000. Her personality is very similar to Bradley Buzzcut from Beavis and Butt-Head.
In Fall 1999, the show aired on Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. EST. In Spring 2000, the show moved to 11:30 a.m. EST on Saturdays. Reruns of the TV series aired on the Kids' WB Friday afternoon lineup from September 8, 2000 until August 31, 2001.