Demon Wind

Demon Wind is a 1990 American horror film directed by Charles Philip Moore. The film concerns a group of friends who travel to an old farm, and soon find they can't leave as a mysterious fog sets in.


In 1931, a body is burned on a cross. On a farm, a woman named Regina attempts to barricade a door, from where beyond, demons try to enter. Her husband George transforms into a demon instead and kills her.
Sixty years later, after the suicide of his father, a young man named Cory, the grandson of Regina and George, and his girlfriend Elaine, along with a group of their friends, travel up to the farm, so that Cory can figure out what happened to his grandparents. They are attacked by a band of vicious demons. When the kids try to escape, a mysterious fog brings them back to the farm, protected by a shield that prevents the demons from entering the house. One by one, the kids become possessed by the demons, but manage to fight them off with a pair of daggers they find, which is the only thing that will kill them. But when the demons' master arrives, the kids realize they will need something stronger to fend off the hellish threat.


Lou Diamond Phillips has an uncredited cameo role as a demon.


Demon Wind has received a negative critical reaction. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has a "rotten" score of 28% and it holds a rating of 4.8/10 at the Internet Movie Database
Shaun vs. the B-Movies gave a score of 5/10 saying "Personally, I got more unintentional entertainment out of this than I ever expected so I’ll bump the rating a notch for this train wreck of a film."


Demon Wind was released on VHS in the U.S. by Prism Entertainment in conjunction with Paramount Home Video in 1990. The release was known for its 3D lenticular video cover.
In August 2017, Vinegar Syndrome announced they would be releasing the film on a special edition Blu-ray in October 2017.