Democratic Party of Virginia

The Democratic Party of Virginia is based in Richmond in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is affiliated with the national Democratic Party of the United States. The organization is governed by a State Party Plan, which guarantees an open and fair candidate selection process. Although the party has members and elected officials throughout the state, it draws its highest number of votes from the Tidewater area, Metropolitan Richmond, and suburban Washington, D.C.
Historically, the Democratic Party has dominated Virginia politics. At the federal level, since the 2008 United States presidential election, Virginia has always voted for the Democratic United States presidential candidate. Since the 2012 Virginia elections, Virginia has always voted for the Democratic statewide candidate. Since the 116th United States Congress, Democrats in the United States House of Representatives have been in the majority in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
At the state level, since the 2013 Virginia elections, Virginia has always voted for the Democratic gubernational, lieutenant gubernational, and attorney general candidates. Since the 1851 Virginia gubernational election, the first gubernatorial election in Virginia in which the governor was elected by direct popular vote, 34 Virginia Governors have been Democrats. Since the 1851 Virginia lieutenant gubernational election, the first lieutenant gubernatorial election in Virginia in which the lieutenant governor was elected by direct popular vote, 29 Virginia Lieutenant Governors have been Democrats. Since the 1851 Virginia Attorney General election, the first Attorney General election in Virginia in which the Attorney General was elected by direct popular vote, 25 Attorneys General have been Democrats. After the 2019 Virginia House of Delegates election, Democrats expanded to a majority of 55 seats, with Republicans holding 45. They additionally regained control of the Virginia Senate, with 21 seats to the Republican's 19.

Party platform

The party follows the platform of the Democratic National Committee.

Current elected officials

Members of Congress

U.S. Senate

Democrats have controlled both of Virginia's seats in the U.S. Senate since 2008:
Out of the 11 seats Virginia is apportioned in the U.S. House of Representatives, 7 are held by Democrats:
Democrats control all three elected statewide offices:
;African Americans
;Arab Americans
;;Lebanese Americans
;;Palestinian Americans
;Asian Americans
;;Korean Americans
;;Vietnamese Americans
;;Filipino Americans
;Democratic Socialists of America
;Jewish Americans
;Latino Americans
;;Peruvian Americans
;;Salvadoran Americans
;;Mexican Americans
;Muslim Americans

State Steering Committee



Executive Director