
Degam is a village in Navsari District in the state of Gujarat, India. The population is around 5580.
The nearest city is Navsari and the nearest town is Chikhli. Some of the divisions within Degam are named:
There is one small temple in the village along with a few shops. There are no other businesses in the area. This means that the younger generations have to seek work in the nearby towns.
Degam is mainly populated by two main communities; former landowners and farmers known "anavils" who all share the surnames of Desais, and artisans like potters, carpenters, tailors etc. most of whom share the surnames of Mistry, Prajapati and Lad. The other residents are Gujarati Muslims and people whom the Indian Government determine to be backward classes.
Degam has recently added to its credit a new community centre at the cost of 1.5 crores entirely out of the resources of Mistrys or Prajapatis resident in Degam and those who emigrated to UK, USA, Canada and South Africa. Degam has Sahakari mandali,Telephone Exchange, Stone mines, Petrol Pump, Sugarcane and mango farms.