
deal.II is a free, open-source library to solve partial differential equations using the finite element method. The current release is version 9.2.0 released in May 2020. In 2007 the authors won the J. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software for deal.II.


The library features
The software started from work at the Numerical Methods Group at Heidelberg University in Germany in 1998. The first public release was version 3.0.0 in 2000. Since then deal.II has gotten contributions from several hundred authors and has been used in more than a thousand research publications.
The primary maintainers, coordinating the worldwide development of the library, are today located at Colorado State University, Clemson University, Heidelberg University, Texas A&M University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and a number of other institutions. It is developed as a worldwide community of contributors through GitHub that incorporates several hundred changes by dozens of authors every month.