De Zeemeerman
De Zeemeerman is a 1996 Dutch comedy film directed by Frank Herrebout. The movie revolves around a young man who has a hard time getting girls because he permanently smells of fish. The cure, offered by a mad professor, turns him into a male mermaid, or mer-man.
According to 134,000 users of website, De Zeemeerman is the worst Dutch movie of all time, scoring #3 in the list of worst movies overall.Cast
- Daniël Boissevain... Tony Pellicano
- Gonny Gaakeer... Julie / Natasja
- Angelique de Bruijne... Suzy
- Frans van Deursen... Gregor
- Huub Stapel... Timo Babel
- Manuëla Kemp... Christa
- Peter Faber... Simon
- Serge-Henri Valcke... Pedro
- Jerome Reehuis... Professor Swezick
- Joke Bruijs... Mevrouw Romijn
- Katja Schuurman... Bea
- Gert-Jan Dröge... Maitre d'Hotel
- Marjolein Sligte... Wilma
- Romijn Conen... Wim Evers