David L. Hawk

David L. Hawk is an American management theorist, architect, and systems scientist, specializing in environmental management. From 1981 to 2010 he was professor of management in the School of Management at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and professor of architecture at the College of Architecture and Design at NJIT.


Hawk received a B.Arch in Engineering from Iowa State University in 1971, a M.Arch. and a M.C.Planning in Fine Arts from the University of Pennsylvania in 1974, and a Ph.D. in Systems Sciences in Corporate Planning from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia in 1979. His dissertation Regulation of Environmental Deterioration was Chaired by Russell L. Ackoff and supervised by Eric Trist. Its research basis was on the 1975 US Legal Order system of regulation leading to climate change and other unmitigated consequences. The research proposed "Negotiated Order" as a more viable way to avoid ethical cynicism found in US trained lawyers and lead to serious reduction in the human impact on the larger environment of the world. Twenty major companies and ten nations helped with the research done via the Stockholm School of Economics. Sweden's Prime Minister presented the results to OECD.
Before starting his academic career in 1974 Hawk worked in industry after serving in the U.S. Army in the Republic of Vietnam from 1966 to 1968. From 1968 to 1974 he had a series of jobs such as design engineer for ACCO Loudon; architectural designer in Darmstadt, Germany; farm manager in Brighton, Iowa; Civic designer and planning officer at Westminster City Council, London, England in 1971-72; and designer and corporate researcher for multiple public and private organizations in the Philadelphia region from 1972 to 1974.
Hawk started working as research associate at the Wharton School in 1974. He was a visiting researcher and faculty member at the Stockholm School of Economics from 1975 to 1977, then a visiting faculty member until 1996. From 1978 to 1981 he was an assistant Professor at Colleges of Engineering and Design of the Iowa State University, where he coordinated the graduate studies in Architecture. In 1981 he started at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, was an associate dean in 1983-85 while designing several graduate programs. He became NJIT's only dual professor in 1991 in management at the School of Management, and in architecture at the College of Architecture and Design at NJIT. From 2006 to 2008 he also served as Dean at the School of Management. From 1989 to 1991 he was on leave from NJIT and back at the Institute of International Business of the Stockholm School of Economics, and from 1998 to 1999 was on another leave and with the Helsinki University of Technology
From 1994 to 1996 Hawk was at Bell Labs AT&T as an Industrial Ecology Fellow developing new models for reduced pollution via industrial redesign. In 2001, he was honored as a Master Teacher at NJIT. He serves as Senior Adviser to one of China's largest firms, China State Construction. In 2003 hawk began serving two years on the Congressional Commission set up to study the role of business in government leadership: Committee on Business Strategies for Public Capital Investment, for the National Academy of Sciences.
Prior to being fired Hawk served as dean of the business school for two years where he brought it from a probationary status in accreditation by AACSB to being selected as "the most improved business program in North America of the year." This was in part due to Hawk being selected as IBM's International Professor of the Year, attracting millions of dollars to NJIT, giving all faculty $14,000/year for their research, becoming placed on Princeton Reviews list of leading colleges, and expanding its EMBA program by 800%.
Hawk was formally fired by NJIT's President Altenkirch in 2010 for being: 1) "non-collegial" to faculty who missed their classes, 2) opposing the President's initiative to get students to pay for bringing NCAA to NJIT, 3) for Hawk developing close ties to Tsinghua University in Beijing, which the President had never heard of, 4)hiring a friend that was one of the world's leading researchers in entrepreneurship thus attracting $2 million for a Chair in NJ Entrepreneurship spending $415 on mini bar expenses in a Beijing Hotel, that turned out to be $30 and was for bottles of coke and Evian Water, not alcohol. Note: NJIT designed another 20 charges, like these, against Hawk. NJIT quietly "hired" a judge at $500/hour for 18 months to aid in "objectively" finding Hawk guilty. The judge finally picked 1 of the 25 charges, one he had dismissed in humor previously, and continued to dismiss the 24 in humor.
The judge was very nice and quite smart, but seemingly could not avoid the Faustian Dilemma posed by NJIT, who paid him from student tuition money to clear away any confusion about Hawk's guilt. This goes back to the widely known, historic thesis that 10% of humans are intelligent, and 80% of that 10% accept the immoral to access the immortal; e.g., as in leadership demonstrated later in Donald Trump's thinking.
Hawk has continued to advise a number of foreign corporate leaders on US investments. One firm grew from $30 billion/year to $200 billion/year while Hawk advised them. Since 2008 his client base has stopped investing in the state of New Jersey. They helped pay for and closely watched the NJIT vs. Hawk case. Since then, there became a cloud website on the case as translated into Chinese and German. New Jersey's Attorney General later negotiated with Hawk to change the situation. His request was to change the NJIT Board of Trustees and then Leadership. That is now underway, slowly.
Hawk knew Donald Trump from Atlantic City and NYC and had used him as a model businessman in classes. From this, he saw how how a growing number of white male students favored Donald's style, while female students rejected it. As such in 2015 Hawk initiated the Eternal Feminine Foundation in China. It grew to $700 million in assets, to support females with limited resources to attend premier colleges. Wealthy business owners, with daughters, continue to donate money to the objective of keeping men like Trump from leadership positions while also preparing the feminine to manage the consequences of a Trump. EternalFeminine.org.
Hawk is Director of the Center of Corporate Rehabilitation as located on his Iowa farm. davidhawk.com


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