Danielle Cohen-Levinas
Danielle Cohen-Levinas is a French philosopher, musicologist, and a specialist of Jewish philosophy.
A pianist by training and former graduate of the Conservatoire de Paris, Danielle Cohen-Levinas followed a double course in philosophy and musicology at the Université Paris Sorbonne-Paris IV and the Université Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. She entered Radio France in 1982 where she worked as a radio producer until 2005.Danielle Cohen-Levinas defended a thesis and an authorization to conduct research in philosophy at the Université Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. She was called upon to the IRCAM directed by Pierre Boulez and appointed editor in chief of the magazine Inharmoniques then Cahiers de l'IRCAM between 1989 and 1993.
She was a resident at the Villa Medicis in Rome in 1992 and returned to the CNRS in 1993 at the "Laboratoire des Arts du spectacle" then the "Laboratoire d'esthétique" of the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne where she taught as associate professor and remained there until 1998. She was program director at the Collège international de philosophie between 1996 and 2002.
Named professor of music aesthetics and philosophy of music at the Paris Sorbonne-Paris University in 1998, Danielle Cohen-Levinas founded in 1998 the "Centre d'esthétique, musique et philosophie contemporaine". In 2008, she founded and directed the "Collège des études juives et de philosophie contemporaine" which she renamed Centre Emmanuel Levinas in 2012. She has been a research associate at the Husserl Archives of Paris at the École Normale Supérieure of since 2008 where she works more specifically on the work of Emmanuel Levinas and on his influence in international research. It is within the framework of the "Collège des études juives et de philosophie contemporaine" that she took the initiative in December 2016, in collaboration with Perrine Simon-Nahum, to ensure the revival of the "Colloque des Intellectuels juifs de langue française".
Alongside her research in aesthetics and philosophy of music, in contemporary philosophy and post-phenomenology in France, Danielle Cohen-Levinas deploys a work in Jewish philosophy, around the Judeo-German moment and the Frankfurt School, as well as around the revival of biblical and Talmudic studies in Europe from a philosophical point of view.
Since 2007 she has been editorial advisor by the Éditions Hermann and director of the philosophy series Le Bel Aujourd'hui which she founded the same year. In 2010, she created by Éditions Hermann a series intended to host collective works: the Rue de la Sorbonne series and, in 2011, a series devoted to Jewish thought and studies, "Panim el Panim". She is the president of Les Cahiers Maurice Blanchot, which she co-founded with Monique Antelme and Mike Holland in 2010.
Danielle Cohen-Levinas is married to composer and pianist Michaël Levinas.
Main publications
Philosophy, music
- La voix au-delà du chant, une fenêtre aux ombres, édition augmentée, Paris, Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 2006
- Le présent de l’opéra au XXe : chemins vers les nouvelles utopies, Paris, Kimé, 2001
- Passage d’un seuil : thème et variations sur l’œuvre de Jean-Marc Bustamante, Éditions Musée de Eindhoven, 1994.
- Des notations musicales : frontières et singularités, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1996.
- La création après la musique contemporaine, L'Harmattan 1998.
- Causeries sur la musique, L'Harmattan, 1998.
- Le Style et l’Idée d’Arnold Schoenberg, new edition established and prefaced by Danielle Cohen-Levinas, first French edition, 1977, Paris, Buchet/Chastel; last édition, Paris, Buchet/Chastel, 2002, preceded by a study Prolégomènes au style et à l’idée musicale.
- Emmanuel Levinas : pour une philosophie de l’hétéronomie, Paris, Bayard, 2006
- Levinas et les théologies, Paris, In Press, 2007
- Les territoires de la pensée, Paris, PUF, 2007
- Temps historique, temps messianique, revue Lignes, October 2008.
- L’impatience des langues, cowritten with Gérard Bensussan, Éditions Hermann, 2010.
- Emmanuel Levinas et le souci de l'art, Manucius, Paris, 2010.
- Le siècle de Schoenberg, Hermann, 2010.
- Lire Totalité et Infini, Études et interprétations, Hermann, 2011.
- Europe, issue on Emmanuel Levinas, Paris, 2011.
- Levinas / Derrida : lire ensemble, coedited with Marc Crépon, Hermann, 2015.
- Figures du dehors, autour de Jean-Luc Nancy,, ed. Cécile Defaut,
- L'énigme de l'humain, Politique et meta-politique chez Emmanuel Levinas, Hermann, 2012.
- Europe, issue on Walter Benjamin, Paris, 2013.
- L'Opéra et son double, Paris, Vrin, 2013.
- La philosophie de Schelling. Le temps du système, le système des temps , Paris, Éd. du CNRS, 2013.
- Vers une analytique de l'esprit chez Emmanuel Levinas, followed by Emmanuel Levinas's text, La compréhension de la spiritualité dans les cultures française et allemande, Paris, Payot/Rivage, 2014.
- Poesia e transcendenza - Levinas di fronte a Celan, précédé du texte d'Emmanuel Levinas, Paul Celan, dall'essere all' altro , translated into italien by Giuseppe Pintus, Rome, Schibboleth, 2014.
- Partilha da literatura , translated into Portuguese by Piero Eyben and Alberto Pucheu, Brasilia, Horizonte, 2014.
- Appels by Jacques Derrida, preceded by a text by Jacques Derrida, "Justices", Paris, Hermann, 2014.
- Levinas-Derrida. Lire ensemble, Paris, Hermann, 2014.
- Inventions à deux voix. Interviews with Jean-Luc Nancy, Paris, Le Felin, 2015.
- Relire Totalité et Infini d'Emmanuel Levinas,, Paris, Vrin, 2015, series "Problèmes et Controverses".
- Mystique et philosophie dans les trois monothéismes, Paris, Hermann, 2015.
- Une percée de l'humain, followed by a text by Emmanuel Levinas, Être juif, and an unpublished letter to Maurice Blanchot, Paris, Payot/Rivages poche, 2015.
- Le devenir-juif du poème. Double envoi : Celan et Derrida, Montréal, Presses Universitaires de Montréal, 2015.
- Revue Europe, issue on Paul Celan, Paris, 2016.
- L'antijudaïsme à l'épreuve de la philosophie et de la théologie, series "Le genre humain", Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 2016.
- Leo Strauss, judaïsme et philosophie, Paris, ed. Beauchesne, 2016.
- Relire Autrement qu'être ou au-delà de l'essence by Emmanuel Levinas, Paris, Librairie Vrin, 2016.
- La Phénoménologie de l'Esprit de Hegel aujourd'hui, Revue Germanique Internationale, Paris, ed. CNRS, 2016.
- Perspectives néokantiennes, Paris, ed. Hermann, 2017.
''Poetry and literary prose''
- 2004: Un bruit dans le bruit, Paris, Mercure de France
- 2004; Le soleil est grammatical, Mercure de France
- 2004: La tristesse du Roi, Mercure de France
- 2010: Le pain des épices, cowritten with Ginette Michaud, Montréal
- 2012: Qui est comme Dieu, Paris, Belin, 2012.