The Christian Science Monitor named Kovalik "one of the most prominent defenders of Colombian workers in the United States". He worked on the Alien Tort Claims Act cases against The Coca-Cola Company, Drummond Company and Occidental Petroleum over alleged human rights abuses in Colombia. Kovalik also accuses the United States of intervention in Colombia saying it has threatened peaceful actors there so it may "make Colombian land secure for massive appropriation and exploitation". He also accused the Colombian and United States governments of overseeing mass killings in Colombia between 2002 and 2009.
Kovalik is a supporter of the Venezuelan government. He has defended the Venezuelan government following both the 2014 Venezuelan protests and the Venezuela Defense of Human Rights and Civil Society Act of 2014 law enacted by the United States allowing the sanctioning of individuals who allegedly violated the human rights of Venezuelans. In a radio interview with Matt Dwyer about Venezuela's 2013 elections, Kovalik called the Bolivarian Revolution "the most revolution in history". On 26 February 2014, he attended the "Chávez Was Here" gathering created by the Embassy of Venezuela, Washington, D.C. to commemorate the presidency of Hugo Chávez and to show support for the Bolivarian Revolution. At the gathering, Kovalik spoke beside the Venezuelan ambassador Julio Escalona and economist Mark Weisbrot.
United States
In the United States, Kovalik works as the Associate General Counsel of the United Steelworkers union. As a critic of the foreign policy of the United States, Kovalik describes every President of the United States that followed World War II as a "War Criminal" and believes that United States citizens accept poor actions by its leaders, stating that "it is this acceptance, especially by the Liberal establishment, which continues to allow the worst crimes to continue today in the name of democracy, freedom and human rights". He is also critical of the Responsibility to protect doctrine, believing that it is "a tool of U.S. intervention".
3rd Most Significant Censored Story Award by Project Censored