Dance etiquette

Dance etiquette is the set of conventional rules which govern the social behavior of social dance by its participants. Such rules include the way in which the participants should look and the way in which they approach, dance with and leave their partner. Etiquette can vary in its specification and stringency between different styles of dance.

Why Dance Etiquette is Important

Why is dance etiquette important? It makes the difference between having a happy or unhappy dancing experience. It helps you avoid offending or upsetting your partner and other dancers. It helps you build a good reputation for yourself as a dancer.
Whether the style of dance, dance can be a socially intimate activity and you must know the proper dance manners.

Asking For A Dance

When asking for a dance, it is best to stay with traditional phrases:
In the past men typically have followed the tradition that a man asked a woman to dance. This practice has changed over the years and today woman should feel equally comfortable asking a partner for a dance, no matter the setting.

Cutting In

Cutting in is a process in dancing where a person interrupts two dance partners and claims the partner of one.
If a gentleman or woman would like to dance with a someone who is already dancing with another person, he/she may cut in by approaching the dancing couple, tapping the him/her on the shoulder, and asking, “May I cut in?” "May I finish this dance?" etc.
It is inappropriate for either member of the dancing pair to refuse the request to cut in. If the first gentlemen or woman would like to dance with the other individual again, he/she must wait until the next dance to ask him/her to cut in.

Declining A Dance/Being Declined

Being declined is always hard to experience for both individuals. Dance etiquette requires that one should avoid declining a dance under most circumstances. For example, there is no correct way of refusing an invitation on the basis of preferring to dance with someone else. According to tradition, the only graceful way of declining a dance is either voice
Dancers are encouraged to use discretion and restraint when exercising this option. In some situations, the simplest best way may be to say “No, Thank You.”
Responding to a “No, Thank You” can be tough, but don’t read into it too much. They were polite and honest and maybe just don’t want to dance. Dealing with rejection can show your true colors as well so, move on and go ask someone else, while smiling.

Dance Hygiene

Dance involves an activity where people may be in close contact. Before dancing make sure to
These are all things everyone should do daily but especially when dancing with a partner.
Make sure to keep fingernails trimmed and/or out of harm’s way.
Wear appropriate clothing depending on the dance/function attending.

Western social dance rules