
Damwâld is a village in the Dantumadiel municipality of Friesland, in the Netherlands and has around 5500 citizens. This number of citizens makes Damwâld the largest village in the municipality of Dantumadiel.


In 1971 Dantumawoude ', Akkerwoude ' and Murmerwoude were merged to form a new village for political reasons. Before 1881, the city hall of Dantumadiel was in the village of Rinsumageast. After 1881, the town hall moved to Murmerwoude. Another village in Dantumadiel, De Westereen, claimed the town hall, because it had the largest population. To eventually solve this problem, the local government fused the three small towns into one, so it would have the largest population. The first letter of the Dutch name of each smaller village made up the first three letters of the new name.
