Dark red color means compound vowels; ai, ei, ao, ou, an, en, in, ün, ang, ong, eng, ing are as basic vowels.
are apical vowels of zi, ci, si.
m, n and ng are nasal vowels of independent syllables; there are also two syllables of "hm 噷" and "hng 哼".
Erizational vowels
"瓦兒" and "碗兒" are different; "歌兒" and "根兒" are different, vowel of "根兒" is a kind of retroflex mid-central vowel.
i of "zi, ci, si" is an apical vowel. After erizing, i turns into er, such as "事兒"ser4.
The rule of i, u, ü combining with the erizational vowels is the same as the rule of those combining with the basic vowels, so the tabulation of this part is omitted.
In Dalianian,
When Tone No.1 meets another Tone No.1 or Tone No.4 meets Tone No.1, usually the previous tone turns to Tone No.5 and the next tone doesn't change, like “家家戶戶”jia'r5-jia'r1-hur6-hur4, “駕崩”jia5-beng1.
When Tone No.1 meets Tone No.4, usually the previous tone doesn't change and the next tone turns to Tone No.6, like “蟋蟀”xi1-suai6 or xi3-suar, “稀碎”xi1-sei6.
When Tone No.4 meets another Tone No.4, usually the previous tone turns to Tone No.5 and the next tone turns to Tone No.6, like “畢恭畢敬”bi5-gongr1-bi5-jingr6, “客客氣氣”ke'r4-ke'r-qi5-qi6.
Tone No.5 and Tone No.6 are not basic tones, but modulations.
Writing system
There are 15 vowels, 15 consonants, no affricates and no entering tone in Dalian dialect. From the first open vowels "a" to the last close vowels "m", there are 366 syllabaries. Mandarin: ji, qi, xi = Dalianian: d-ii, t-ii, s-ii Mandarin: zhi,chi,shi,ri,zi,ci,si = Dalianian: d-i,t-i,s-i,z-i There are no differences between voiced and voiceless consonants in Mandarin and Dalianian, but there is distinction between aspirated and unaspirated consonants in them. Mandarin and Dalianian: g = g, d = d, b = b Mandarin and Dalianian: k = k, t = t, p = p
New tablation of syllabaries
Old tablation of syllabaries
Tablation - 1
吖 a
厄 e
乙 i
五 u
于 ü
马 ma
么 me
米 mi
木 mu
乏 fa
佛 fe
覅 fi
夫 fu
那 na
讷 ne
尼 gni
奴 nu
女 gnü
拉 la
了 le
力 li
卢 lu
吕 lü
哈 ha
禾 he
夕 xi
乎 hu
吁 xü
沙 sha
舌 she
尸 shi
书 shu
冉 ra
若 re
日 ri
入 ru
卅 sa
色 se
厶 si
苏 su
欸 ê
月 oe
儿 r
嗯 n
兀 ng
Tablation - 2
马゛ ba
么゛ be
米゛ bi
木゛ bu
马゜ pa
么゜ pe
米゜ pi
木゜ pu
那゛ da
讷゛ de
尼゛ di
奴゛ du
那゜ ta
讷゜ te
尼゜ ti
奴゜ tu
哈゛ ga
禾゛ ge
夕゛ ji
乎゛ gu
吁゛ jü
哈゜ ka
禾゜ ke
夕゜ qi
乎゜ ku
吁゜ qü
沙゛ zha
舌゛ zhe
尸゛ zhi
书゛ zhu
沙゜ cha
舌゜ che
尸゜ chi
书゜ chu
卅゛ za
色゛ ze
厶゛ zi
苏゛ zu
卅゜ ca
色゜ ce
厶゜ ci
苏゜ cu
ai = a + i, ei = e + i, uai = u + ai, ui = u + ei, ie = i + ê,
ao = a + u, ou = e + u, iao = i + au, iu = i + eu, üe = ü + oe, an = a + n, en = e + n, in = i + n, un = u + n, ün = ü + n, ang = a + ng, eng = e + ng, ing = i + ng, ong = u + ng, iong = ü + ng.
According to the predicate structure analysis method of the British linguists Ricci, the Dalian dialect is the same as English and Mandarin - the sentence is generally composed of S+V+O, that is subject + predicate + object of the order, but there are special circumstances, such as the older generation of Dalian people will say "Jiǎ zóu ba! Jiǎ zóu ba! " instead of "Húi jiā ba! Húi jiā ba! ". At this time, the sentence is not S+V+O, but S+O+V, that is, subject + object + predicate.
jiā means "home".
zǒu means "go".
húi means "go back to".
ba means a kind of mood which means "to persuade" or "to urge".