DC Fashion Week

DC Fashion Week is a biennial event in the District of Columbia, United States, held by fashion designers who convene to dress local models who have auditioned for the event. DCFW appears to be way ahead of the curve. The models represent the real men and women of D.C. and are of all different sizes and races. The future of fashion is hopeful for people of all backgrounds. Besides the preview, DCFW consists of four shows, each focusing on a different fashion grouping. This year, the four shows were Eco Fashions and Next Generation Designers, the Haiti Fashion Designer Showcase, the Metropolitan Emerging Designers and Indie Artists Showcase, and the 28th International Couture Collections show.


DCFW was founded in 2003 by Ean Williams, a menswear designer for his brand Corjor International. It is known for being the cheapest fashion week for new designers to showcase their designs.

Exhibiting Designers 2019